Where is generate makefile menu option?


I have Xamarin 5.9.6 (build 23) running on a MacBook Pro.

Currently, I'm working on a large C# project and I need to compile it and run it on a server.

But first, I need to generate a makefile so that, in the server, I just issue the "make" command and then run the project after the compilation succeeds. The problem is that I can't seem to find the menu item to generate a makefile.

Anyone can please let me know how I can generate a self contained makefile (autotools compatible)?

By the way, the server does have mono installed but not Xamarin or any other IDE.


I just figured out that the option is disabled by default in my version of Xamarin. To enable it:

  1. in the main menu, open "Xamarin Studio -> Add-in Manager"
  2. expand "project import and export" item
  3. under this item, there is a "Makefile generation" option, click it
  4. click enable button.

Now the option can be found under the "Project" menu.

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