Subsetting all Rows with NA (Missing Value) in any of the columns


I've a dataset (teleco) with 3000 obs and there are many (332) missing value (NA)s in it. When i try to subset all the missing values into another dataframe, I strangely endup with 3745 obs.

clean = na.omit(teleco)
new = teleco[[1:19])==TRUE, ]

clean - 2668 obs of 19 vars

new - 3745 obs of 19 vars

teleco - 3000 obs of 19 vars

I'm sure that i'm doing something wrong. Can someone please help?


If we need to subset rows having at least one NA, we can create an index using rowSums on the logical matrix (, and convert that to a logical vector (!=0).


Or we can use apply with MARGIN=1 to create a logical vector.

teleco[apply(, 1, any),]


teleco <-,0:10), 20*5, replace=TRUE), ncol=5))

Collected from the Internet

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