JavaScript Button Pressed Only Once


How do I make it so that using the code below, you can only click the button once, before it doesn't do anything. Thanks in advance!

 <button onClick="yumpizza();"style="position:absolute; TOP:120px; LEFT:350px">Roll for strength</button>

    var strength = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1);
    function yumpizza() {
    document.getElementById("pizza").innerHTML = ("Strength:" + strength)

Just set the onclick event of the element to null after the first trigger:

<button id="pizzaButton" onClick="yumpizza();" style="position:absolute; TOP:120px; LEFT:350px">Roll for strength</button>

  var strength = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1);
  function yumpizza() {
    document.getElementById("pizza").innerHTML = ("Strength:" + strength);
    document.getElementById("pizzaButton").onclick = null;

On the note of event handling, is is a best practice to use addEventListener to set event handlers programmatically, instead of the onclick HTML attribute.

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