Not able to compare Fridays date JavaScript

manthan davda

Hi I have scenario where I need to get quantity of books sold in last two weeks. I am using Javascript for that. Everything was working fine until today. Comparison is failing when day is friday. Below is the example.

   //Function to get Monday of thisweek,last week and last to last week.
       function GetMonday(mday) {
         var today, todayNumber, mondayNumber, monday;
         today = new Date();
         todayNumber = today.getDay();
         mondayNumber = mday - todayNumber;
         return new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + mondayNumber).toDateString();

  var currDate = new Date().toDateString(); // gets todays date
  var currwkDate = GetMonday(1); //Gets this week Monday's Date
  var lastwkDate = GetMonday(-6); //Gets last week Monday's Date
  var twowkDate = GetMonday(-13); //Gets Last to last week Monday's Date

  var BillDate=new Date("09/04/2015").toDateString(); // Friday (04 Sep)
          if (currDate == BillDate) {
            if (BillDate > currwkDate) {
                alert("this week");
            if (BillDate > lastwkDate) {
                alert("last week");
            if (BillDate > twowkDate) {
               alert("two week")

Ideally above code should get three alert box(this week,last week,two week) buts its not giving even single alert.

If i edit above code and put BillDate to any other date which is not friday same code will work fine for example

   var BillDate= new Date("09/03/2015").toDateString(); //Thursday 03-Sep

I am not sure what is the problem please help!!!!!


Your code is actually doing string comparisons rather than date comparisons. The reason this fails is because M from Monday is less than T, W, and S, but not F.

This makes it so that BillDate > currwkDate is only false if it's Friday. since F < M. The fix is to compare dates instead (remove uses of toDateString):

   //Function to get Monday of thisweek,last week and last to last week.
       function GetMonday(mday) {
         var today, todayNumber, mondayNumber, monday;
         today = new Date();
         todayNumber = today.getDay();
         mondayNumber = mday - todayNumber;
         return new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + mondayNumber);

  var currDate = new Date(); // gets todays date
  var currwkDate = GetMonday(1); //Gets this week Monday's Date
  var lastwkDate = GetMonday(-6); //Gets last week Monday's Date
  var twowkDate = GetMonday(-13); //Gets Last to last week Monday's Date

  var BillDate=new Date("09/04/2015"); // Friday (04 Sep)
          if (currDate.getYear() == BillDate.getYear() && currDate.getMonth() == BillDate.getMonth() && currDate.getDate() == BillDate.getDate()) {
            if (BillDate > currwkDate) {
                alert("this week");
            if (BillDate > lastwkDate) {
                alert("last week");
            if (BillDate > twowkDate) {
               alert("two week")

Edit: The first check for dates to be equal also needs to be modified to only check year, month, and date (ignore hours/etc.).

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