Converting Array Of String to Double and then calculating the sum in Swift

Steve DeRienzo

I have an array of Strings that i would like to convert to Double. Then i would like to add each item in the array together and get the sum.

enter image description here

this is my code so far, After enumerating the array I'm having issues adding all of them together.

enter image description here

Leo Dabus

update: Xcode 10.1 • Swift 4.2.1 or later

let strings = ["1.9","2.7","3.1","4.5","5.0"]
let doubles = strings.compactMap(Double.init)
let sum = doubles.reduce(0, +)

print(sum) // 17.2

If you dont need the intermediary collection

let sum = strings.reduce(0) { $0 + (Double($1) ?? .zero) }

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