How to pass a parameter (that identify the primery key of an object) from the view to a controller using Spring MVC?


I am pretty new in Spring MVC and I have the following doubt about how correctly create a link into a view page that have to be handled by a method defined into a controller class.

So I have the following situation:

Into a view I use a model object name

<c:forEach items="${scuola.twp1007Progettos}" var="progetto" varStatus="itemProgetto">

    <!-- Visualizza il progetto solo se è un progetto PNSD: -->
    <c:if test="${progetto.flgTipPrg == 'P'}">
        <div class="group-item">
            <a href="visualizzaProspetto">
                <img src="<c:url value="resources/img/icons/projects/PNSD.png" />">

                <h4><a href="visualizzaProspetto">${progetto.codPro}</a></h4>



So, as you can see in the previous code snippet, I have a progetto variable that is an instance of a model class named Twp1007Progetto. This model class contain some field that I correctly used in the previous code snippet (for example ${progetto.codPro}).

Ok, untill now I have no problem and I correctly access to the previous property of the progetto variable.

In the previous code snippet I also have this link:

<a href="visualizzaProspetto">

where visualizzaProspetto is a resource handled by this method defined into a controller class:

@RequestMapping(value = "/visualizzaProspetto", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(Locale locale, Model model) {

    return "prospettoRendicontazione";

Ok, this is correctly called.

Now my problem is that, when the link is clicked by the user, I have not to handle the simple visualizzaProspetto but I have also to pass a parameter representing the value of the prgPro field defined into my Twp1007Progetto model object instance (the ${progetto.prgPro} value) because it is the primary key on the clicked object on the database.

So, what is the best way to do this thing? I know that using Spring I can pass parameter or path variable but I really don't know how correctly handle this situation.



Either with a request parameter:

<a href="visualizzaProspetto?codPro=${progetto.codPro}">
@RequestMapping(value = "/visualizzaProspetto", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(@RequestParam String codPro, Locale locale, Model model) {

Or with a path variable:

<a href="visualizzaProspetto/${progetto.codPro}">
@RequestMapping(value = "/visualizzaProspetto/{codPro}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(@PathVariable String codPro, Locale locale, Model model) {

You may need to URL encode the codPro value, depending on whether it can contain reserved chars.

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