Python- how do I write user input to an Excel file?


I'm new to Python so I hope this sounds right. How could I use Python to write to an Excel file from user input? I want my script to ask users "Name:" "Job Title:" "Building Number:" "Date:" etc. and from that raw input, fill in the corresponding columns one after the other in an Excel spreadsheet. I don't want future use of the script to overwrite previous data in the sheet either. I'd like each time to create a new line in the spreadsheet and then fill in the correct entries in each row. I hope that makes sense. Thank you so much in advance for your help.


You could use openpyxl to write to the workbook. Here's some basic usage, and should help avoid overwriting:

import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('C:/test.xlsx')
ws =
i = 0
cell_val = ''
# Finds which row is blank first
while cell_val != '':
    cell_val = ws['A' + i].value
    i += 1
# Modify Sheet, Starting With Row i'C:/test.xlsx')

Hope This Helps.

Edited, getting input and time:

For getting information from the user, use

x = input('Prompt: ')

However, if you want the actual current, I suggest using the time module:

>>> from time import strftime
>>> date = strftime('%m-%d-%y')
>>> time = strftime('%I:%M%p')
>>> print(date)
>>> print(time)

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