What are the implementaion changes on Java 8 which can cause wrong outcome to codes written in Java 7?

Morteza Adi

We recently decided to migrate our solution from java 7 to 8. However at the first step we found that there are some implementation changes in java 8 like String.split() method Here that can cause problem to codes written in Java 7!!

we rolled baked our project to Java 7 for now to investigate more on those differences.

Do you know any other changes in Java 8 can cause the same problem ?

PS: I know Java 8 new features By changes I mean those changes with the same API(method signature) but different implementation which can lead to different outcome!! like this method -> String.split()

Before down vote read the comments!!


I don't think there is an easy way to find an exhaustive list. You could run a query in the bug database, for example by looking for bugs in the core libraries affecting versions < 8 and fixed in 8.

That query returns about 320 issues and the bug fix you mention in your question is on page 6 (Creation date: 2007-05-18).

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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