remove background or mark filled areas from imfill

Nicky Mattsson

I'm doing some image segmentation in matlab of grayscale images taken from a drone using a thermo sensitive camera. The idea is that you should be able to put in a video whereafter it analyzes every frame and give a new video as output, now where each person is marked, clustered and a total count in the frame is given. So far what I am doing to remove the background is first imtophat and then some threshold on top of this I build some analysis to identify the people from e.g. fences, houses etc. However this threshold is way to static, so once there is a shift in outdoor temperature or the layer changes e.g. from grass to tarmac then I either get to many things in the picture or I remove some of the people. So what I am ultimately looking for is a way to get rid of the background. So what I have left is buildings, cars, people etc..

This is the ultimate goal and a solution to this would be highly appreciated.

What I tried to do was to first use the following code on the first picture (where pic1 is the original picture):

%Make it double
pic2 = double(pic1);
%Remove some noise
pic2 = wiener2(pic2);
%Make the pedestrians larger
pic2 = imdilate(pic2,strel('disk',5));
%In case of shadows take these to some minimum
pic3 = pic2.*(pic2>mean(mean(pic2))) + mean(mean(pic2))*(pic2<mean(mean(pic2)));

%Remove some of the background
pic4 = imtophat(pic3,strel('disk',10));

%Make the edges stand out.
hy = fspecial('sobel');
hx = hy';
Iy = imfilter(gaussian, hy, 'replicate');
Ix = imfilter(gaussian, hx, 'replicate');
gradmag = sqrt(Ix.^2 + Iy.^2);

%Threshold the edges
BW = gradmag>100;

%Close the circles
BW2 = imclose(BW1,strel('disk',5))

Now I have a binary image of the edges of the objects in the picture. And I want to fill out the pedestrians, such that I have an initial guess of where they are and how they look. So I apply imfill.

[BW3] = imfill(BW2);

Then what I want is the coordinates of all the pixels that matlab have turned white for me. How do I get that? I have tried with [BW3,locations] = infill(BW2), but this does not work (as I want it to.)

As testing you can use the attached picture. Also if you are trying the solve the ultimate problem at the top, then I have no problem of getting the house, the cars and the pedestrians out - the house and the cars I can perfectly fine sort out if they appear whole.enter image description here


To get the pixel that imfill changes for you, compare the before and after image and use find to get the coordinates of the points whose values have been changed.

diffimg = (BW2 ~= Bw3);
[y, x] = find(diffimg);

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