Parse REST api Logout 401 unauthorized


I am using the Parse REST API in my javascript app and struggling to get the logout function working.

I can login and signup users just fine but logging out throws an error 'POST 401 (Unauthorized)'.

here is my code:

logout: function(user) {
  var config = {
        'X-Parse-Application-Id': PARSE_CREDENTIALS.APP_ID,
        'X-Parse-Session-Token': user.sessionToken
  return $'', config);

I am successfully getting the current users sessionToken but it just doesn't seem to work.

Am I missing something here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Actually I just found the answer here: Parse Logout 401 unauthorized using REST api

Just adding and empty data attribute worked for me as well! This is the code:

// define an empty object as required by $http
var mydata = {};
return $ + 'logout', mydata, {
        'X-Parse-Application-Id': PARSE_CREDENTIALS.APP_ID,
        'X-Parse-Session-Token': data.sessionToken

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