Ember: jQuery Post with nested JSON-Payload

Marc M

I want to POST some JSON to my REST-Server.

The JSON looks like that:

    "name": "John Doe",
    "socials": {
      "facebook": {
        "uid": "1234321",
        "fbsrCookie": "sdfsdfhgsd"

The POST-Call in Ember looks like that:

Ember.$.post('http://localhost:3000/register', data).then(function ...

Inspecting the Message with the Developer-Tools of Firefox show me that the parameters are the following

name: "John Doe"
socials[facebook][uid]: "1234321"
socials[facebook][fbsrCookie]: "sdfsdfhgsd"

Because of the Header "Content-Type" which is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" I cant handle with the values as objects on my node.js-backend (since its not JSON).

Is there a way a to read the properties from the server-(node.js)-backend? Or how can I send the payload as JSON?

Marc M

Okay, like @sdgluck mentioned, the express.js-Framework (which Im using) can also parse the form-data (url-encoded)parameters decribed in my question above. So I double checked the including of the bodyParser-middleware of express.js and changed the "extended"-Parameter to true like so:

  extended: true

Now express.js also parse the parameters and let me access them via dot-notation (like so: req.body.socials.facebook.uid).

Thanks to @sdgluck !

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