How can I add an attachment with Sendmail (limited options)?


I am working with a locked-down RHEL box.

The goal is to send an email with a file attached.

The only mail service available is sendmail (cannnot use sendemail, mail, mailx, mutt, etc.)

In addition, the uuencode command cannot be found and I cannot install sharutils.

I have verified that sendmail works with the simple test below:

echo "Subject: testing" | sendmail -v [email protected]

I have tried the command below but it just creates a dead.letter:

echo "Subject: testing" | sendmail /a /tmp/test.txt [email protected]

What is the correct way to send a file from the server using sendmail given the constaints?


The work-around was to use openssl base64 encoding like so:

( echo "to: [email protected]"
  echo "subject: Message from the server"
  echo "mime-version: 1.0"
  echo "content-type: multipart/related; boundary=messageBoundary"
  echo "--messageBoundary"
  echo "content-type: text/plain"
  echo "Please find the document attached."
  echo "--messageBoundary"
  echo "content-type: text; name=test.txt"
  echo "content-transfer-encoding: base64"
  openssl base64 < /tmp/test.txt) | sendmail -t -i

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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