Errors with intervention\image


I need to resize pictures in my laravel 5 project and I need the intervention/image package. So I ran composer update, than composer require intervention/image and I get this error:

FatalErrorException in ProviderRepository.php line 146:
Class 'Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider' not found

...which is very strange because I can see the Intervention package in my vendor folder At the top of the file I have use Intervention\Image\Image;

I've done this 3 or 4 times today and I still have the problem. How can I make this package work ?

Zakaria Acharki

Adding 'Intervention\\Image\\' => array($vendorDir . '/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image'), in autoload_psr4.php solved the problem.

Take a look at Class 'Intervention\Image\Image Service Provider' not found [solved].

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