Define ListenerContainer without the jms namespace in spring jms

Sumit Jain

I want to assign an id to jms:listener-container bean but unfortunately it does not have an id property. For instance, this does not work

<jms:listener-container  id="jmsListenerContainer"  concurrency="${jms.consumer.concurrency}"  >
    <jms:listener id="queueHandler" destination="${}" ref="queueListener" />

To counter that, I am trying to define the container without the namespace using vanilla bean definition, like so:

<bean id="jmsListenerContainer" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer"  
    p:concurrency="${jms.consumer.concurrency}" p:connection-factory="jmsConnectionFactory" 

For this to work one needs the actual implementation class of MessageListener used by the container as defining this separately does not work

<jms:listener id="jmsMessageListener" destination="${}" ref="queueListener" />

This throws an The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'jms:listener'.

From documentation of AbstractMessageListenerContainer: By default, only a standard JMS MessageListener object or a Spring SessionAwareMessageListener object will be accepted.

This is quite inconclusive, so does anyone know how this can be done?

Sumit Jain

I would like to propose an answer to my own question. The default listener class created with jms:listener is org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.MessageListenerAdapter

Here's the complete vanilla replacement of jms namespace based configuration:

<bean class="org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.MessageListenerAdapter" id="jmsMessageListener" 
    p:delegate-ref="queueListener" />

<!-- Not using jms namespace, as it doesn't allow to specify bean id -->
<bean id="jmsListenerContainer" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer"  
    p:concurrency="${jms.consumer.concurrency}" p:connection-factory-ref="jmsConnectionFactory" 
    p:messageListener-ref="jmsMessageListener" p:destinationName="${}" >

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