working with Image Slider using JS and css


I'm working on an Image slider and I just copied the code from a certain site. When I'm reviewing the CSS file, I came across a selector which is .sliderInner and I'm having trouble figuring out the meaning and function of it in #slider div.sliderInner for example and if it is a class name,id or class selector which is defined by the user; or a pseudo class which is predefined like for example :hover etc.

I have CSS file wherein #slider div.sliderInner is included/indicated and it is linked to an html file but in the html file, there's no .sliderInner class/id name defined and when I tried to remove the selector #slider div.sliderInner in the CSS file and opened the html file, the image slider which is contained in the #slider were lost.

This is the website I'm working on. This is the html file: view-source: This is the css file:


There is a div with that class.

<div class="sliderInner"><div>

If you inspect the slider you can find it.

Its likely that some javascript is adding that class to that div and or creating the div with that class all together.

Collected from the Internet

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