Returning multiple values from UPDATE query in PostgreSQL


I'm new to writing DB functions and I need to return the value of 'last_login_at' as OUT parameter when performing an UPDATE query.

Here is a snippet of my function:

    UPDATE "user" SET 
        last_login_at = current_timestamp, 
        first_name = p_first_name,
        last_name = p_last_name,
    WHERE ext_user_id = p_ext_user_id AND platform_id = p_platform_id
    RETURNING id INTO v_user_id;
    is_new := false;
    // The next 'CASE' is not valid - Need to replace it with a valid one.  
    has_logged_in_today = CASE
     WHEN date_part('day', age(current_timestamp, last_login_at)) > 1
     THEN true
     ELSE false
    END IF;

Is it possible to do multiple RETURNING x INTO y?
Can we use a CASE statement in RETURNING x INTO y?


I was able to get better results and now it looks like this:

        UPDATE "user" SET 
            login_consecutive_days = CASE 
                WHEN date_part('day', age(current_timestamp, last_login_at)) > 1 
                THEN 0
                ELSE login_consecutive_days + date_part('day', age(current_timestamp, last_login_at))
        login_max_consecutive_days = CASE
        WHEN date_part('day', age(current_timestamp, last_login_at)) = 1
             AND (login_consecutive_days+1 > login_max_consecutive_days)
        THEN login_consecutive_days+1
        ELSE login_max_consecutive_days
        last_login_at = current_timestamp, 
            num_sessions = num_sessions + 1,
            last_update_source = 'L',
            first_name = p_first_name,
            last_name = p_last_name,
            additional_data = p_additional_data
        WHERE ext_user_id = p_ext_user_id AND platform_id = p_platform_id
        RETURNING id,
        WHEN date_part('day', age(current_timestamp, last_login_at)) = 0
        THEN true
        ELSE false
    INTO v_user_id, is_first_login_today;
        is_new := false;
        IF FOUND THEN 
        END IF;

The only problem with this is that at the point of RETURNING the last_login_at has already been updated so CASE always returns TRUE.

Is there a magical solution to my problem?

Erwin Brandstetter

Is there a magical solution to my problem?

Actually, there is: Join to another instance of the "user" table in the FROM clause:

   UPDATE "user" u
   SET    login_consecutive_days = ...  -- unqualified column name

   FROM   "user" u1
   WHERE  u.ext_user_id = p_ext_user_id
   AND    u.platform_id = p_platform_id
   AND =                  -- must be unique not null (like the PK)
   RETURNING, (u1.last_login_at < now() + interval '1 day')
   INTO   v_user_id, is_first_login_today;

   is_new := false;

Now, the table alias u refers to the post-UPDATE state of the table, but u1 refers to a snapshot at the start of the query.

Detailed explanation:

Table-qualify all column references to be unambiguous, which is never a bad idea, but after the self-join it's required.

The manual about the short syntax EXIT WHEN FOUND.

You can use any expression in the RETURNING clause, including CASE statements. There just happens to be a simpler, cheaper way for this:

CASE WHEN date_part('day', age(current_timestamp, last_login_at)) = 0
THEN true ELSE false END

Step 1:

CASE WHEN last_login_at < now() + interval '1 day'
THEN true ELSE false END

Step 2:

(last_login_at < now() + interval '1 day')

Just use the boolean result. If last_login_at is NULL, you get NULL.

As for the rest of the query: expressions can be simplified, the LOOP is suspicious, you should never use reserved words as identifiers, even though double-quoting makes it possible ("user"), the algorithm seems to depend on being executed in exact 24h intervals, which is error-prone.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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