HTML canvas output JPG Image to server when button is pressed

Anomous Person

So I have a script that creates a canvas and I was wondering if there was anyway to have a button on the html page that when clicked it will save the canvas on that page to the web server as a jpg image.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="400" height="200" style=" border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas>

window.onload = function(){
     var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
     var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
     var imageObj = new Image();
     imageObj.onload = function(){
         context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0);
         context.font = "40pt Calibri";
         context.fillText("My TEXT!", 50, 100);
         context.font = "20pt Calibri";
         context.fillStyle = 'red';
         context.fillText("Tesr", 50, 200);
     imageObj.src = "Assets/Background2.png"; 

<button onclick="Saveimage"></button>


From the topics I gives in comment, it gives strange result. And as I don't know if you insist the button be <button> and not a <a>, I created a workaround to make it seems work.


If you want to save Image to server.


  // Create a hidden link to do the download trick.
  var a =document.createElement("a");
  a.setAttribute("href", image);
  a.setAttribute("download", "canvas.png");;    


  var post = new XMLHttpRequest();
  // I assume your web server have a handler to handle any POST request send to 
  // '/receive' in the same domain.
  // Create a POST request to /receive"POST", "/receive");
  // Send the image data

And you may need some further process at your server side to save the posted data to local file system, like what I did in my node.js server:

// Handle POST from xxx/receive'/receive', function(request, respond) {
  // The image data will be store here
  var body = '';
  // Target file path
  var filePath = __dirname + '/testWrite/canvas.png';

  request.on('data', function(data) {
    body += data;

  // When whole image uploaded complete.
  request.on('end', function (){
    // Get rid of the image header as we only need the data parts after it.
    var data = body.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, "");
    // Create a buffer and set its encoding to base64
    var buf = new Buffer(data, 'base64');
    // Write
    fs.writeFile(filePath, buf, function(err){
      if (err) throw err
      // Respond to client that the canvas image is saved.

var saveImgae = function() {
    var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
    var image  = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
  // Create a hidden link to do the download trick.
  var a =document.createElement("a");
  a.setAttribute("href", image);
  a.setAttribute("download", "canvas.png");;    
  // Not work for me. It download a file , but without file type and filename is simply download, maybe it works for someone.
   //  var image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
  // window.location.href=image; // it will save locally

// This is just something like your onclick="saveImage()"
var button = document.querySelector("button");
button.onclick = saveImgae;

// Fakes , I just want to demo the click...
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

context.font = "40pt Calibri";
context.fillText("My TEXT!", 50, 100);
context.font = "20pt Calibri";
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.fillText("Tesr", 50, 200);
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="400" height="200" style=" border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>
<button id="save">Save image</button>

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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