Why does not work two controller in Angular JS?


I have controller is named "UserController" in top of page:

<div ng-controller="UserController"><input type="text" ng-model="search"></div>

Also the same controller in bottom page from directive ng-view:

<div class="bottom" ng-controller="UserController">{{search}}</div>

Why I dont get value {{search}} in bottom part, when I fill field input in top?

Laxmikant Dange

Can I use one controller two times in a page?

Yes, you can use two controllers in AngularJs, Here is a demo.

What happens when I use ng-controller?

When you add ng-controller to a DOM element, angular create an instance of controller function and attaches it with that DOM, and thats why there is no two way data-binding between those divs.

How can I use data binding to share data between controllers?

You can use $rootScope variable or you can use services.

you can create service and inject in controller as dependency, so you can access its property with two way binding feature.

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