Junit Mocking Private Method


I need to mock private method and should return true. In ServiceImpl-execute() my request will go to else { } and it will call "eventRequest()". Its a private boolean eventRequest(), So whenever evenRequest() will call i should return true. Can anybody help me out


public class ServiceImplTest {

    public void testExecute() {
        Response response = serviceImpl.execute(request);
        Assert.assertEquals(true, pushResponse.isIsSuccess());


public class ServiceImpl {
    public Response execute(Request request) {
        Response response = null;
                boolean isSuccess;
                if (returnMockResponse(request, notifyRqst)) {
                    isSuccess = true;
                } else {
                    isSuccess = eventRequest(notifyXmlRqst);
        response = ResponseBuilder.createResponse(isSuccess);
        return response;

    // Need to mock below private method and should return true.
    private boolean eventRequest(String request) throws Exception {
        return eventNotifyResponse.isIsSuccess();


public class ResponseBuilder {
    public Response createResponse(boolean result) {
            Response response = new Response();
            return response;

You can create a mock of eventNotifyResponse normally, then use Whitebox to set the private (internal) field.

Assuming your field eventNotifyResponse was of a type named EventNotifyResponse, the test class it would be something like:

    EventNotifyResponse evtNotifyResponseMock = mock(EventNotifyResponse.class);
    Whitebox.setInternalState(serviceImpl, "eventNotifyResponse", evtNotifyResponseMock);

Whitebox is a class of Powermock (org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox).
setInternalState is overloaded. In the example, the parameters used are:

  1. the target object to inject into (your object being tested)
  2. the name of the internal field to be setted (String)
  3. the value itself, in this case a mock

Collected from the Internet

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