java - How do I display a character array in a JTextField

Samer Alabi

I'm trying to create a hangman game where dashes will display for the user and if they click on the correct button, a letter will replace the dashes. This worked when I was using the console to output all the data, but after I changed to GUI, it wouldn't work no matter what I tried. It seems that the JTextField won't accept a character array.

    private static JTextField txtDashes;
    static char [] dashes = {'-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'};

            txtDashes = new JTextField();
            txtDashes.setBounds(39, 207, 218, 46);

            for (int i = 0; i < dashes.length; i++){
                   txtDashes.setText(dashes[i]); //Error occurs here
            } //End of for loop

I'm only experienced in about 5 months of java coding and can't seem to find a solution for this problem.

Madhawa Priyashantha

you should pass a String to setText() method dashes is a char can't set a char to a textfield .you have to convert char to String first




txtDashes.setText(dashes[i] + ""); 


setText() replace exiting text and set new text.if you want to show all array chars, first append it to a string throw a loop and from outside of loop setText()

like this

String s="";
for (int i = 0; i < dashes.length; i++){

note .string append inside a loop is not good you can use StringBuilder for that

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