Windows 7中的RAM使用不合理


我重新安装了Windows 7,正常启动时的RAM高达2.5GB。我看着任务管理器,那里以及资源监视器中至少有1.5GB的空间。没有迹象表明正在使用该RAM。有人可以告诉我如何找出消耗我记忆的东西吗?我相信这是一种病毒,但是没有免费的防病毒程序能够对其进行追踪。

我在下面添加了图片。如果某些答案暗示这是Windows 7的正常使用,那么我根本无法理解。

我的Windows 8安装低于2.5GB,实际上是1.英镑。直到最近,我才从另一台计算机上传输了一些文件,这些文件与我的现在存在相同的问题。我删除了Windows 8并安装了Windows 7,因为无论如何我都会这样做,现在我在Windows 7中也获得了很高的内存使用率。



大卫·施瓦兹(David Schwartz)

If you want the OS not to use your RAM, take it out of your machine and sit it on your desk. But so long as the RAM is in the machine, using it is free. If you're thinking "I want the RAM free now so I can use it later", you're being silly. You can use it now and use it later. There is no disadvantage to using the RAM. None at all.

Modern operating systems only make RAM free if they have no choice. This is because there are only two things that can happen. If the RAM is used soon, then they just have to make the RAM used again, wasting the effort they went through to make the RAM free -- it is easier to move RAM directly from one use to another. And if the RAM is not used soon, then the effort of making it free is again wasted. Making RAM free is a last resort used only if the OS has no other choice because it adds an extra step the OS will have to go through in order to use the RAM.


考虑程序是否运行然后停止。该程序在RAM中。操作系统可以释放RAM或将程序保留在RAM中。如果程序很快再次运行,将其保留在RAM中将是一个巨大的胜利-避免了磁盘I / O。如果不需要将RAM用于其他目的,则将程序保留在RAM中的成本为零。因此,操作系统将程序保留在RAM中,直到需要其他RAM为止。在不需要可用RAM时将RAM释放是纯粹的失败主张。


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