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<title>Restless Earth</title>
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<p> The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart.  This shifting process is known as continental drift.</p> 
 <div id="world"> <img src="images/gcse images/platemovementIMG.gif" width="400" height="210" alt="plate movement"/></div>
 <p> The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart. </p> 

 This shifting process is known as continental drift. The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart.  This shifting process is known as continental drift. The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart.  This shifting process is known as continental drift. The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.<div id="re1DOC"><a href="documents/gcse/REspec.docx"><img src="images/DOC.png" width="25" height="25" alt="download"  /></a>




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<p> The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart.  This shifting process is known as continental drift.</p> 
 <div id="world"> <img src="images/gcse images/platemovementIMG.gif" width="400" height="210" alt="plate movement"/></div>
 <p> The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart. </p> 

<p> This shifting process is known as continental drift. The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart.  This shifting process is known as continental drift. The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.The position of Earth’s continents has changed over time with some landmasses colliding into one another and others moving apart.  This shifting process is known as continental drift. The evidence that supports continental drift includes: the jigsaw-fit of many of the land masses, the geological and fossil finds that are the same in different continents and the scientific measurments taken more recently that prove land masses are moving toward, away and alongside eachother. Continental drift is caused by convectional cell movement in the mantle.<a href="documents/gcse/REspec.docx"><img src="images/DOC.png" width="25" height="25" alt="download"  /></a></p>




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