

自从我在研究生院使用python进行(文本)数据分析以来,我最近安装了Ubuntu 14.04,并且是python的狂热者。

我注意到14.04随附了python 2.7和3.4。但是,存储库仅安装适用于python 2.7的python模块。我想知道当默认的“ python”给出python 2.7时,是否有人可以指导我完成安装python 3.4模块的步骤(特别是numpy和matplotlib)。





apt-cache search numpy | egrep ^python3  # search for numpy, python3
apt-cache search -n ^python3             # search only package names for python3



$ apt-cache search numpy | egrep ^python3
python3-numpy - Fast array facility to the Python 3 language
python3-numpy-dbg - Fast array facility to the Python 3 language (debug extension)
python3-h5py - h5py is a general-purpose Python interface to hdf5
python3-mpi4py - bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
python3-mpi4py-dbg - bindings of the MPI standard -- debug symbols
python3-numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy
python3-numexpr-dbg - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy (debug ext)
python3-pyproj - Python 3 interface to PROJ.4 library
python3-scipy - scientific tools for Python 3
python3-scipy-dbg - scientific tools for Python 3 - debugging symbols
python3-tables - hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5
python3-tables-dbg - hierarchical database for Python 3 based on HDF5 (debug extension)
python3-tables-lib - hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 (extension)

$ apt-cache search -n ^python3
python3 - interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version)
python3-all - package depending on all supported Python 3 runtime versions
python3-all-dbg - package depending on all supported Python 3 debugging packages
python3-all-dev - package depending on all supported Python 3 development packages
python3-amqp - Low-level AMQP client (Python3 version)
python3-apparmor - AppArmor Python3 utility library
python3-apparmor-click - Click manifest to AppArmor easyprof conversion tools
python3-apport - Python 3 library for Apport crash report handling
python3-apt - Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg
python3-apt-dbg - Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg (debug extension)
python3-aptdaemon - Python 3 m[...]


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