如何使这个简单的OpenGL代码(在“宽松的” 3.3和4.2配置文件中工作)在严格的3.2和4.2核心配置文件中工作?





With the useStrictCoreProfile variable set to false, the program outputs no error messages to the console and draws a quad and a triangle as per the above screenshot, both on an Intel HD OpenGL 3.3 and on a GeForce with OpenGL 4.2.

However, with useStrictCoreProfile set to true, it clears the background color but does not draw the tri & quad, console output is this:

GLCONN: OpenGL 3.2.0 @ NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GT 640M LE/PCIe/SSE2 (GLSL: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler)
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.VertexAttribPointer()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.DrawArrays()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.VertexAttribPointer()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step 'render.DrawArrays()': GL_INVALID_OPERATION
LASTERR: OpenGL error at step '(post loop)': GL_INVALID_OPERATION

... if a 4.2 strict core profile is requested instead of 3.2, same issue. Applies to 3 different nvidia GPUs so I assume I'm not conforming to the strict core profile properly. What was I doing wrong, and how can I fix this?

Note, you won't find a glEnableVertexAttribArray call in the above Gist, as it's inside the glutil package I'm importing -- but this does get called as the last step in the gist's compileShaders() func.

postgoodism :

You're not creating/binding a Vertex Array Object with glGenVertexArrays() and glBindVertexArray(). VAOs encapsulate a bunch of vertex attribute state, including which attributes are enabled, detailed per-attribute information, etc. They were optional when the feature was originally introduced, but they're now required in strict/core contexts according to section 10.4 of the OpenGL core specification:



// At initialization time:
GLuint vao = 0;
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao);
// Set up your vertex attribute state:
//  - glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,...);
//  - glEnableVertexAttribArray(...);
//  - glVertexAttribPointer(...);
//  - etc. -- Refer to OpenGL docs to see what is/isn't included in the VAO!
glBindVertexArray(0); // unbinds vao

// At draw time:
glBindVertexArray(vao); // automatically sets up previously-bound vertex attribute state
glBindVertexArray(0); // unbinds vao


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