

我有一个C程序,可以找到所有可能的三角形(例如3 3 4 4 5 5 => 20个三角形,其中7个没有重复)。我设法通过将a,b,c浓缩为abc格式存储所有三角形,但是我的程序太慢了。我发现查找所有三角形的函数对1000个数字需要1.68s,并且uniq()函数也是如此。(限制为2秒):

int getTriangles(const int nosniky[], int N, int trojuhelniky[]) {
  int count = 0;
  tcount = 0;
  // The last triangle found
  int TEMP = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
      for (int m = j + 1; m < N; m++) {
        int a = nosniky[i];
        int b = nosniky[j];
        int c = nosniky[m];

        if (a + b > c && a + c > b && c + b > a) {
          // Order a,b,c so that a<b<c
          order(&a, &b);
          order(&a, &c);
          order(&b, &c);
          // Triangle will be stored as abc, so we need to join all ints into
          // one (3,3,4 => 334)
          int temp = joinInts(a, b);

          if (i == 0 && j == 1 && m == 2) {
            // first triangle, for example a=3,b=3,c=4 => 334
            TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
            trojuhelniky[tcount - 1] = joinInts(temp, c);
          } else if (joinInts(temp, c) == TEMP) {
            // This is a duplicate, ignoring this one
          } else {
            trojuhelniky[tcount - 1] = joinInts(temp, c);
            // TEMP = the new last found triangle
            TEMP = joinInts(temp, c);
  // Remove remaining duplicates, 1.68s as well
  int newcount = uniq(trojuhelniky, tcount);
  return newcount;




编辑:“三角形”是指a + b> c,b + c> c和a + c> b,因此对于输入3 3 4 4 5 5,我应该找到20种可能的组合来满足该要求。删除重复项后,结果应为7(3,3,4与4,3,3相同)。


int uniq(int *a, size_t len) {
size_t i, j;

qsort(a, len, sizeof(int), icmp);

for (i = j = 0; i < len; i++) {
    if (a[i] == 0) {
    if (a[i] != a[j]) a[++j] = a[i];
return (int) j + 1;

输入的输出2 9 18 4 1 5 19 6 3 1 2 8应为27。


首先请注意,如果保证输入数组已排序,则在维护时i < j < m,您将永远不会得到(3,4,3)的组合。服用

    int a = nosniky[i];
    int b = nosniky[j];
    int c = nosniky[m];


但是,如果您的输入数据包含重复项,则可以得到重复项。例如,对于3,4,4,5您的输入,对于(i,j,m)=(0,1,3)和(i,j,m)您将得到相同的三元组(a,b,c)=(3,4,5) )=(0,2,3)。

为避免这种情况,您只需要以一种聪明的方式增加i,j,m即可跳过重复项:if nosniky[1] == 4andnosniky[2] == 4您不应将其j从1增至2,而应一直增加它,直到发现nosniky[j]nosniky[j-1](或打到j == N)不同。

  int count = 0;

  .....  // sort nosniky[] in ascending order here
  for (int i = 0; i < N;) {
    int a = nosniky[i];

    for (int j = i + 1; j < N;) {
      int b = nosniky[j];

      for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
        int c = nosniky[m];

        if (a + b > c && a + c > b && c + b > a) {
          int temp = jointInts(joinInts(a, b), c);

          trojuhelniky[count] = temp;
          count ++;
        while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
          ; // skip duplicates of the third edge
      while (++j < N && nosniky[j] == b)
        ; // skip duplicates of the second edge
    while (++i < N && nosniky[i] == a)
      ; // skip duplicates of the first edge

  return count;

顺便说一句,一旦确保nosniky[]数组已排序,就知道c不小于aand b然后,正如@pmg在评论中指出的那样,可以将三角形不等式的检验简化为第一个比较,因为肯定可以满足其余两个条件:

        if (a + b > c) {
          int temp = jointInts(joinInts(a, b), c);

          trojuhelniky[count] = temp;
          count ++;


      for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
        int c = nosniky[m];

        if (a + b > c) {
          count ++;
        while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
          ; // skip duplicates of the third edge

遵循Michael Dorgan的评论建议,您可以通过提前终止c已知过大的长度来终止搜索,从而节省一些时间

      for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
        int c = nosniky[m];

        if (c >= a + b)    // too large
          break;           // skip the rest

        if (a + b > c) {
          count ++;
        while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
          ; // skip duplicates of the third edge


      for (int m = j + 1; m < N;) {
        int c = nosniky[m];

        if (c >= a + b)    // too large
          break;           // skip the rest

        count ++;

        while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
          ; // skip duplicates of the third edge


      int c_minimal = b - a;

      // do binary search for c_minimal
      // between indices j+1 (inclusive) and N (exclusive)
      int initial_m = search(nosniky, j+1, N, c_minimal);

      // start from the first value big enough
      for (int m = initial_m; m < N;) {
        int c = nosniky[m];

        if (c >= a + b)   // too large
          break;          // skip the rest

        count ++;

        while (++m < N && nosniky[m] == c)
          ; // skip duplicates of the third edge


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