

我在下面输入了以下内容。我试图运行一个while循环,以允许用户仅输入正数并将其显示在上的三个输入框中myFormreset在表单中添加了以下内容,以便清除表单:<input type="reset" onclick="myForm" value="Reset the form" ></input>它清除了表单,但是当我单击输入框以添加新变量时,旧变量重新出现,并且不提示输入新输入。如何更正代码以解决此问题?我在下面添加了带有注释的代码,以帮助显示我正在尝试创建的内容。

first = -1;
second = -1;
third = -1;

function getValues() {
  //while loop to not allow negative numbers or strings//
  while (isNaN(first) || first == "" || first < 0) {
    first = prompt("Enter the first number.");
  //while loop to not allow negative numbers or strings//
  while (isNaN(second) || second == "" || second < 0) {
    second = prompt("Enter the second number.");
  //while loop to not allow negative numbers or strings//
  while (isNaN(third) || third == "" || third < 0) {
    third = prompt("Enter the third number.");

  document.myForm.first.value = first;
  document.myForm.second.value = second;
  document.myForm.third.value = third;

function determineLarge() {
  let message = "";

  //if statement to determine first number is the largest//
  if (second < first && third < first) {
    message = "The first number" + "(" + first + ")" + " is larger.";
  // else if statement to determine second number is the largest//
  else if (first < second && third < second) {
    message = "The second number" + "(" + second + ")" + " is larger.";
  //else if statement to determine the third number is the largest//
  else if (first < third && second < third) {
    message = "The third number " + "(" + third + ")" + " is larger.";
  //else if statement to determine the first number as the largest number if any values are equal//
  else if (first == second || second == first || first == third || second == third) {
    message = "The first number" + "(" + first + ")" + " is largerer.";
  document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = message;
  //fucntion to reset form//
  function myForm() {

  <h1>Gary's Largest of Three Numbers</h1>
  <!-- estasblishing form name-->
  <form name="myForm">

    <p> Enter the first number</p>
    <!--prompts user for first input-->
    <input type="number" name="first" value="" onclick="javascript:getValues();">

    <p>Enter the second number</p>
    <!--prompts user for second input-->
    <input type="number" name="second" value="" onclick="javascript:getValues();">

    <p>Enter the third number</p>
    <!--prompts user for third input-->
    <input type="number" name="third" value="" onclick="javascript:getValues()">

    <!--runs the function to determine the largest number-->
    <button type="button" onclick="determineLarge();">Determine the larger number</button>

    <!--resets the form so user can insert different numbers-->
    <input type="reset" onclick="myForm" value="Reset the form"></input>
  <div id="results"> </div>



其次,解决此问题揭示了另一个问题:由于使用type="reset" onclick="myForm",因此发生了重置,这是一种重置表单的方法。(来源:Developer.Mozilla.org。)我需要将myForm()函数简单地重命名resetForm(),以便oncall=可以在重命名后实际运行。




       first = -1;
       second = -1;
       third = -1;

    function getValues(){
        //while loop to not allow negative numbers or strings//
        while(isNaN(first) || first == "" || first < 0){
        first = prompt ("Enter the first number.");
        //while loop to not allow negative numbers or strings//
        while(isNaN(second) || second == "" || second < 0){
        second = prompt ("Enter the second number.");
        //while loop to not allow negative numbers or strings//
        while(isNaN(third) || third == "" || third < 0){
        third = prompt ("Enter the third number.");
         document.myForm.first.value = first;
        document.myForm.second.value = second;
        document.myForm.third.value = third;

    function resetForm(){
first = -1;
second = -1;
third = -1;

    function determineLarge(){
            let message = "";

        //if statement to determine first number is the largest//
        if (second < first && third < first){
            message = "The first number" + "(" + first + ")" + " is larger.";
            // else if statement to determine second number is the largest//
            else if (first > second && third > second) {
                message = "The second number" + "(" + second + ")" + " is larger.";
            //else if statement to determine the third number is the largest//
            else if (first > third && second > third){
                message = "The third number " + "(" + third + ")" + " is larger.";
            //else if statement to determine the first number as the largest number if any values are equal//
            else if (first == second || second==first || first==third || second ==third){
                message = "The first number" + "(" + first + ")" + " is largerer.";
            document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = message;

  <h1>Gary's Largest of Three Numbers</h1>
    <!-- estasblishing form name-->
    <form name="myForm" >

       <p> Enter the first number</p>
       <!--prompts user for first input-->
       <input type="number" name="first" value="" onclick="javascript:getValues();">

       <p>Enter the second number</p>
       <!--prompts user for second input-->
       <input type="number" name="second" value="" onclick="javascript:getValues();">

       <p>Enter the third number</p>
       <!--prompts user for third input-->
       <input type="number" name="third" value="" onclick="javascript:getValues()">

       <!--runs the function to determine the largest number-->
       <button type="button" onclick="determineLarge();">Determine the larger number</button>

        <!--resets the form so user can insert different numbers-->
        <input type="button" onclick="resetForm();" value="Reset the form" ></input>
<div id="results"> </div>


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