在Java Spring MVC中运行React JS的问题




  • 一个带有Spring-MVC后端的网站
  • 在此网站上执行javascript代码
  • 使用Maven构建应用程序的jar
  • 使用create-react-app工具在我的spring项目中创建一个React项目
  • 使用maven插件编译React代码(在本教程之后)(或者至少我认为它可以正常工作,因为maven表示构建成功)
  • 在浏览器中加载React js脚本


  • 在浏览器中执行React js脚本或调试脚本


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

export default function TestComponent() {
    return <div>
        <p>Hello There!</p>


ReactDOM.render(<TestComponent />, document.getElementById('hello_there'));
alert("Hello There!");


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Go Server - JFabricationGames</title>
    <h1>JFG - Go Server (WIP)</h1>
    <img th:src="@{images/welcome.png}" width=500 />
    <a th:href="@{/login}">Login</a>

    <div id="hello_there"></div>
    <div id="hello_there_2"></div>
    <script src="test.js"></script>
    <!-- <script src="test_no_react.js"></script> -->




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
        <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>A Go Server</description>












如果您想查看完整的项目代码,则可以在GitHub上找到它:https : //github.com/tfassbender/go_server_spring/tree/react_test_2

Now when opening the website in the browser (firefox 72.0.2 (64-Bit)) and using the developer tools I can see that the script was loaded and I can even see the script code:


But what is strange is that I can't seem to debugg the file or even find the file in the debugger...


... although it is loaded and even seems to be executed, because the developer tools show an error in the first line of the script (in the image above).
And what is also kind of strange to me is that the script (test.js) that I can see in the browser (when opening it from the network tab of the developer tools) shows exactly the react code from the test.js file. I would expect it to be compiled to ES5, but I'm very new to React so I don't realy know if this is a problem or an expected behaviour.

So basically the problem is that I can't debugg my javascript/React code and I'm not shure whether I load the correct file or even compiled it correctly (because I'm realy new to React). In fact I have no idea what's going on here and what the problem might be.
So any help would be great.

davnicwil :

The issue here seems to be that you want to run the javascript output by create-react-app on the build, but actually, you're just running a static file test.js which is in the src/main/app/public directory.

This test.js file is not touched by create-react-app at all, so you're right that it's not being compiled to ES5, it's simply being served statically as it is. The error you're seeing in Firefox is exactly because of that - it can't handle the import statements (fixing this directly is a separate issue which I won't get into here, but essentially you won't have this problem with the create-react-app compiled code because it'll be bundled and transpiled to ES5).

Only the code with the entry point at src/main/app/src/index.js will be compiled by create-react-app and indeed it is, and then as per your pom.xml configuration is then copied into target/classes/static/static/{bundle files}.js.



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