使用Python脚本中的Google Cloud Functions从Google Cloud Storage中读取CSV


我是GCP的新手,我正在尝试使用Cloud Functions做一个简单的API。此API需要从Google Cloud Storage存储桶中读取CSV并返回JSON。为此,我可以在本地正常运行,打开一个文件。

但是在Cloud Functions中,我从存储桶中收到了一个Blob,并且不知道如何操作,我收到了错误



data1 = '2019-08-20'
data1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(data1, '%Y-%m-%d')

data2 = '2019-11-21' 
data2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(data2, '%Y-%m-%d')

with open("/home/thiago/mycsvexample.csv", "r") as fin:
    #create a CSV dictionary reader object
    csv_dreader = csv.DictReader(fin)
#iterate over all rows in CSV dict reader
    for row in csv_dreader:
        #check for invalid Date values

        #convert date string to a date object
        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
        #check if date falls within requested range
        if date >= data1 and date <= data2:
            total = total + float(row['total'])


Google Cloud Functions中的代码:

import csv, datetime
from google.cloud import storage
from io import BytesIO 

def get_orders(request):
    """Responds to any HTTP request.
        request (flask.Request): HTTP request object.
        The response text or any set of values that can be turned into a
        Response object using
        `make_response <http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/api/#flask.Flask.make_response>`.
    request_json = request.get_json()
    if request.args and 'token' in request.args:
        if request.args['token'] == 'mytoken888888':
            client = storage.Client()
            bucket = client.get_bucket('mybucketgoogle.appspot.com')

            blob = bucket.get_blob('mycsvfile.csv')
            byte_stream = BytesIO()
            file = byte_stream

            #with open(BytesIO(blob), "r") as fin:

                #create a CSV dictionary reader object
            csv_dreader = csv.DictReader(file)
                #iterate over all rows in CSV dict reader
            for row in csv_dreader:
                #check for invalid Date values

                date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
                    #check if date falls within requested range
                if date >= datetime.datetime.strptime(request.args['start_date']) and date <= datetime.datetime.strptime(request.args['end_date']):
                    total = total + float(row['total'])
            dict = {'total_faturado' : total}

            return dict

            return f'Passe parametros corretos'
        return f'Passe parametros corretos'

Google Cloud Functions中的错误:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/functions/worker.py", line 346, in run_http_function result = _function_handler.invoke_user_function(flask.request) File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/functions/worker.py", line 217, in invoke_user_function return call_user_function(request_or_event) File "/env/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/google/cloud/functions/worker.py", line 210, in call_user_function return self._user_function(request_or_event) File "/user_code/main.py", line 31, in get_orders_tramontina for row in csv_dreader: File "/opt/python3.7/lib/python3.7/csv.py", line 111, in __next__ self.fieldnames File "/opt/python3.7/lib/python3.7/csv.py", line 98, in fieldnames self._fieldnames = next(self.reader) _csv.Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes (did you open the file in text mode?)






from google.cloud import storage 
import csv

client = storage.Client()

bucket = client.get_bucket('source')

blob = bucket.blob('file')

dest_file = '/tmp/file.csv'

dict = {}
total = 0

 with open(dest_file) as fh:
    # assuming your csv is del by comma
    rd = csv.DictReader(fh, delimiter=',')
    for row in rd:
         date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
                #check if date falls within requested range
         if date >= datetime.datetime.strptime(request.args['start_date']) and date <= datetime.datetime.strptime(request.args['end_date']):
                total = total + float(row['total'])
         dict['total_faturado'] = total 


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