从哪里下载Visual Studio 2017社区版?


我用Google搜索“下载的Visual Studio 2017年”,被送往该页面,其中,在目前的时间,看起来有点像这样。我已经编辑了页面上的一些元素,以使与我的问题相关的所有部分都适合一张图。






If I click the Visual Studio Dev Essentials link, I am taken to my subscriptions page that looks like this:


Now, I don't know where to go from here. I have been using Visual Studio for over 22 years now and all the time doing whatever it asked me to do. If it asked me to put my email somewhere, I did. But I ain't buying no nothing.

So, my question is: where do I get Visual Studio 2017 Community from?

I see other websites claiming to have the download, and I trust that they sure do have good intentions, but I ain't downloading anything from a third-party unless a lot of people vouch for the authenticity of that download.

Why do I want Visual Studio 2017 when there's Visual Studio 2019 already?

I already have been using Visual Studio 2019 since the day it was released. The thing is: I wanted to set up the source code of ASP.NET MVC v5.2.6 on my machine. I tried and it gave me trouble, so I wrote to them team guys. And they wrote back saying it would run only on VS 2017 and not on VS 2019.


In order for downloads to work at my.visualstudio.com you need to have a subscription of some description. The easiest one (and the only one I have associated with my account) is Visual Studio Dev Essentials:


该订阅是免费的,并且看起来您的订阅页面顶部有一个标题为“加入Visual Studio Dev Essentials”的按钮标题,您应该可以单击该按钮进行订阅。完成此操作后,“下载”页面将引导您:

“下载”页面显示过滤到Visual Studio 2017(版本15.9)的搜索结果


值得一提的是,Visual Studio Dev Essentials还具有许多其他好处(包括第一个月的Azure信用,第一年的其他Azure免费赠品和一些其他好处),因此总体上值得一看。


如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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