如何使用Entity Framework 6从10多个表中获取记录并显示其中的报告?

比杰·亚达夫(Bijay Yadav)


  1. List<id>从表中获取该表包含应为其生成报告的记录。如果该表没有记录,那么将不会生成报告。
  2. 其余细节在代码中内联。


List<int> totalValidRecords = ; //This comes from a table on the basic of which the report will be generated.

foreach(int id in totalValidRecords)
   List<Region> regions= //gets list of record from Region table.

   foreach(Region region in regions)
      List<Country> countries= //gets list of countries from country table based on region.

      foreach(Country country in counties)
        List<State> states = //gets list of states from State table based on country.

        foreach(State state in states)
           List<District> states = //gets list of districts from District table based on state.

           //Other logic which computes and access other rest of dependent tables data.





斯拉瓦·乌特西诺夫(Slava Utesinov)


public class Base
    public int Id {get;set;}

public class Region : Base

public class Country : Base
    public Region Region {get;set;}
    public int RegionId {get;set;}

public class State : Base
    public Country Country {get;set;}
    public int CountryId {get;set;}

public class District : Base 
    public State State {get;set;}
    public int StateId {get;set;}


var answer = (from region in db.Regions.Where(x => totalValidRecords.Contains(x.Id))
              join country in db.Country on region.Id equals country.RegionId 
              join state in db.States on country.Id equals state.CountryId 
              join district in db.Districts on state.Id equals district.StateId 
              select new 
                  regionId = region.Id,
                  countryId = country.Id,
                  stateId = state.Id,
                  districtId = district.Id
                  //other fields


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