如何在GitLab Web IDE中更改编辑器配色方案?

杰伊德·拉玛克里希纳(Jaidev Ramakrishna)

我想在GitLab Web IDE中使用深色主题,但是用户设置中与配色方案相关的选项不会影响编辑器主题。目前有办法改变吗?如果没有,它将在将来的版本中添加吗?

2020年5月更新GitLab 13.0

Web IDE中的深色主题


对于选择Dark 语法突出显示主题首选项的用户,GitLab Web IDE现在完全变成了Dark主题

这是提供用户喜欢的编辑体验的重要步骤,也是理解GitLab UI如何响应深色主题的宝贵步骤。您可以在此处阅读有关设计过程的更多信息


而且,仍然使用GitLab 13.0

Web IDE的语法突出显示主题



现在,我们已经发布了对Web IDE中所有六个语法突出显示首选项的支持


在最近的几个发行版中(例如12.8和12.9),我们一直在稳定地添加和改进Web IDE中对语法突出显示首选项的支持。
这些更新遵循了这一努力,并为也在13.0中启动的Web IDE中的“黑暗主题”奠定了基础。
我们很高兴继续扩展开发人员的经验,并使Web IDE更像家一样。

Over the last few releases (for example, 12.8 and 12.9) we’ve been steadily adding and improving support for syntax highlighting preferences in the Web IDE. These updates follow this effort and help to lay the foundation for our Dark Theme in the Web IDE, also launching in 13.0. We’re excited to continue to expand on developer experience and making the Web IDE feel more like home.

See documentation and Epic.

Original answer:

If not, will it be added in a future release?

Feb. 2020 might be that future release date, with GitLab 12.8

See "Dark syntax highlighting theme for Web IDE"

GitLab has long supported alternative syntax highlighting themes for use when browsing files in the repository or viewing diffs during the code review process.

However, our code editor areas have not supported the use of this preference despite being the most requested feature for the Web IDE.
(issue 195701)

The Web IDE now supports the Dark syntax highlighting preference in the code area.
We’ve started with this theme, as it’s the most widely used one beyond our default, but we’ll continue to expand our support for syntax highlighting preferences in the Web IDE.

We’ll also be working on expanding the dark theme to the rest of the Web IDE, including the file tree and sidebars.

黑暗的Web IDE-https://about.gitlab.com/images/12_8/phikai-dark-syntax-webide.png

See documentation.


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