

我有一些可以在SQL中非常轻松地完成的操作,但是我只是想不通如何在LINQ中做到这一点。所以,我有3个表:ReturnReturnItem,和ReturnItemTestReturn具有1..n ReturnItems和ReturnItem具有0..1 ReturnItemTests这些表如下所示:

ReturnId int not null (PK)
ReturnName nvarchar(max) not null

ReturnItemId int not null (PK)
ReturnId int not null (FK)
ReturnItemStatus int not null

ReturnItemId int not null (PK, FK)
ReturnItemTestStatus int not null

每个退货都有退货项目,每个退货项目可能有0或1个测试。退货项目和退货项目测试均具有状态。我想计算出退货状态代码和退货测试状态代码的数量,并按两者的状态号进行分组。但是LEFT OUTER JOIN,由于退货商品可能没有测试,因此需要a。因此,在SQL中,我说:

          ri.[ReturnItemStatus] AS ItemStatus,
          rit.[ReturnItemTestStatus] AS TestStatus,
          COUNT([ReturnItem].[ReturnItemStatus]) as ComboCount
          [Return] r
          INNER JOIN [ReturnItem] ri ON r.ReturnId = ri.ReturnId
          LEFT OUTER JOIN [ReturnItemTest] rit ON ri.ReturnItemId = rit.ReturnItemId
          ri.[ReturnItemStatus], rit.[ReturnItemTestStatus]


var returns =
        from r in ctx.Returns
        join ri in ctx.ReturnItems on r.ReturnID equals ri.ReturnID
        join rit in ctx.ReturnItemTests on ri.ReturnItemID equals rit.ReturnItemTestID into ritJoined
        from rit in ritJoined.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new {
            ReturnItemStatus = ri.ReturnItemStatus,
            ReturnItemTestStatus = rit == null ? null : (int?)rit.ReturnItemTestStatus

…向我显示了退货状态LEFT OUTER JOIN到测试状态,但是我不知道如何进行分组和计数。



var returns = (
    // Grab from returns table
    from r in ctx.Returns
    // Inner join with return items
    join ri in ctx.ReturnItems on r.ReturnID equals ri.ReturnID
    // Filter down by return 'closed on' date
    where (
        r.ClosedOn > startDate &&
        r.ClosedOn <= endDate
    // Join with return item tests.  The 'into' clause is powerful and should be used regularly for complex queries;
    // really, the lack of an 'into' projection clause can usually be thought of as shorthand.  Here, 'into' projects
    // the 0..n join hierarchically as an IEnumerable in what is called a 'group join'.
    join rit in ctx.ReturnItemTests on ri.ReturnItemID equals rit.ReturnItemID into ritGroupJoined
    // 'Flatten out' the join result with the 'from' clause, meaning that group join results with eg. 3 matches will
    // cause 3 items in the resultant enumeration, and group join results with zero matches will cause zero items
    // in the resultant enumeration.  The .DefaultIfEmpty() method means that these results will instead cause one
    // item in the resultant enumeration, having the default value for that type (ie. null, as it's a reference type).
    // Note that without the 'into' group join above, it's not possible to access the join results with zero matches as
    // they are automatically discarded from the results during the default 'inner join'-style flattening.
    from rit in ritGroupJoined.DefaultIfEmpty()
    // Project these results into an intermediary object to allow ReturnItemTestStatus to be null (as a int? type);
    // without this, we couldn't group them because any grouped items whose ReturnItemTestStatus was null would cause
    // a type error, null being an invalid value for the ReturnItemTests.ReturnItemTestStatus property (an int type).
    select new {
        ReturnItemStatus = ri.ReturnItemStatus,
        ReturnItemTestStatus = rit == null ? null : (TestStatusEnum?)rit.ReturnItemTestStatus,
    } into retData
    // Finally, we can now group this flattened data by both item status and item test status; to group by multiple
    // fields in LINQ, use an anonymous type containing the fields to group by.
    group retData by new { retData.ReturnItemStatus, retData.ReturnItemTestStatus } into retGrouped
    // ... and project into an object to get our item status counts.
    select new
        ReturnItemStatus = retGrouped.Key.ReturnItemStatus,
        ReturnItemTestStatus = retGrouped.Key.ReturnItemTestStatus,
        Count = retGrouped.Count()


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