使用Visual Studio时如何在ASP.NET MVC应用程序的浏览器日志中查看实际的React错误

拉尔斯·霍尔德(Lars Holdgaard)



var CommentBox = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      <div className="commentBox">
        Hello, world! I am a CommentBox.
  <CommentBox />,




Invoices:841 GET http://localhost:55075/Scripts/React/InvoiceBuilder/App.jsx net::ERR_ABORTED

While if I used the standard Visual Studio template for React, the actual error would show very clearly.

Is this because I am not using Typescript? Or is there another way to get the nice error handling inside Visual Studio and the Chrome browser when dealing with React?


As my comment,

visual studio only focus on backend or desktop. Even reshapher cannot handle like this. I suggest use vscode for editing jsx like this

If you still want use visual studio instead of vscode, you can check lint js/jsx using flow, here documentation. It is use cmd/powershell/terminal to check validate code.

First install flow globaly, link

npm install -g flow

then on root of your project, run init flow by cmd/powershell:

flow init

last, put on the top your js (ex: tutorial.jsx):

// @flow
class CommentBox extends React.Component {
    state = { data: this.props.initialData };

现在,您可以在cmd / powershell上运行以通过以下方式检查代码

flow status



坏消息是,还没有flowVisual Studio的插件扩展,目前只有vscode


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