Google Play控制台-内部测试

亚历山大·佐里克(Aleksandar Zoric)

我有一个发布到Google Play控制台的应用程序用于内部测试,即我只希望某些用户可以使用该应用程序。以下是该应用程序的当前摘要;






问题是,当测试人员单击链接时,他们选择加入“程序”并可以选择将其下载到Google Play上。当他们单击该链接时,它要么是无限加载,要么是一条消息要说the requested URL was not found on this server.

  • 请注意,此应用尚未以实时版本发布到Play商店。
  • This is the first time the app has been uploaded to internal testing.
  • The app has been first published for internal testing last Friday (6th of Nov) and now is 9th of Nov.

On the dashboard, there is an announcement as shown below but I cannot see anywhere the 'status' of the app i.e. to say its being reviewed etc.


Reply from Google;

I understand you have some concerns about app pending issue. Please note that after you submit a new app or an update to an existing app on your Play Console, it can take some time for your app to be processed for publishing on Google Play. Any time you make a change to your app while a review is already pending will mean the review period starts over. Furthermore, any submissions can't be retrieved or cancelled. As a result, we recommend you adjust your planning to account for this and avoid resubmitting.

For certain developer accounts, we’ll take more time to thoroughly review your app(s) to help better protect users. This may result in review times of up to 7 days or longer in exceptional cases. You can always view the current status on your Publishing overview page. When the review is completed, you will see "You don't have any changes in review" under Changes in review section. In addition, we would also like to remind you that if you turned on the managed publishing mode, your update won't be published until you click "Review and publish."


Facing the same issue. Uploaded a new app on Nov 6th. Still waiting for the app to be available on the play store for internal tests. Followed the procedure to enable internal app sharing from the play store app which is:

  1. Go to settings on the play store app
  2. 七次点击Play商店版本以启用内部应用共享
  3. 启用内部应用共享。




如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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