離線時將文件上傳到 Firebase 雲存儲時觸發代碼


這是 Firebase 在其文檔中用作將文件上傳到 Firebase Cloud Storage 的參考的代碼。

import { getStorage, ref, uploadBytesResumable, getDownloadURL } from "firebase/storage";

const storage = getStorage();
const storageRef = ref(storage, 'images/rivers.jpg');

const uploadTask = uploadBytesResumable(storageRef, file);

// Register three observers:
// 1. 'state_changed' observer, called any time the state changes
// 2. Error observer, called on failure
// 3. Completion observer, called on successful completion
  (snapshot) => {
    // Observe state change events such as progress, pause, and resume
    // Get task progress, including the number of bytes uploaded and the total number of bytes to be uploaded
    const progress = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
    console.log('Upload is ' + progress + '% done');
    switch (snapshot.state) {
      case 'paused':
        console.log('Upload is paused');
      case 'running':
        console.log('Upload is running');
  (error) => {
    // Handle unsuccessful uploads
  () => {
    // Handle successful uploads on complete
    // For instance, get the download URL: https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/...
    getDownloadURL(uploadTask.snapshot.ref).then((downloadURL) => {
      console.log('File available at', downloadURL);

TLTR:在uploadTask.on() 方法中執行只需要在離線時運行的代碼的標準方法是什麼(比如將文件上傳到本地存儲,直到可以建立連接)?


在 uploadTask.on() 方法中執行只需要在離線時運行的代碼的標準方法是什麼(比如將文件上傳到本地存儲,直到可以建立連接)。



Firebase SDK for Cloud Storage 不會將沒有互聯網連接視為錯誤情況。相反,它只會重試指數退避的操作。

據我所知,pause只有在您pause()自己調用函數時才會觸發事件,並且可以在SDK 源代碼中看到


如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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