


这是原始图像: 在此处输入图片说明

这是Chrome&Opera中的结果: 在此处输入图片说明

const img = new Image();

const crisptCanvas = document.getElementById('crisp-canvas');
const crispContext = crisptCanvas.getContext('2d');

const blurryCanvas = document.getElementById('blurry-canvas');
const blurryContext = blurryCanvas.getContext('2d');

const sx = 0, sy = 0, sWidth = 1980, sHeight = 1251;
const dx = 0, dy = 0;
const scaleFactor = 0.4762626262626263;

// Draw an image on canvas
function scaleImage(scale, context)
	const dWidth = (sWidth*scale);
	const dHeight = (sHeight*scale);
	context.drawImage(img, sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight);
// When image is loaded draw it on both canvases
img.onload = function(){

	// First draw the source image in full scale and then using the -scaleFactor
	setTimeout(()=> {
		scaleImage(1, crispContext);
		scaleImage(scaleFactor, crispContext);
	}, 0);

	// Draw the image using the -scaleFactor
	scaleImage(scaleFactor, blurryContext); 

img.src = ""
<canvas width="944" height="596" id="crisp-canvas" ></canvas>
<canvas width="944" height="596" id="blurry-canvas" ></canvas>



Here are some of the things i have tried:
1) I have tried using the scale() method, but results were the same.
2) I have tried setting the imageSmoothingEnabled property, that work well with pixelated art games, but for high resolution images the quality was awful.
3) I have tried using the window.requestAnimationFrame() method than on the first request draw the full scale image, on hidden canvas and after that draw the scaled image on my main canvas. That work well, but when i change the tab(focus on another tab), after a few minutes the images on my main canvas became blurry again. Then i added a method to check when the user focus on my tab, using the Page Visibility API, and again redraw the full scale image on the hidden canvas, but that did not work. Only the last drawn image on the hidden canvas was crisp and all images drawn before the last one were blurry. So the only solution was to create hidden canvases for each image and that is not practical, so i had to try another approach.

So here is the solution came up with:
1) Set width and height canvas properties to my original image size 1980x1251
2) I scaled the canvas, using its style width & height properties

请记住,使用此方法在画布上绘制的所有内容(例如形状,文本,线条...)也将被缩放。例如,如果您绘制一个矩形(10x10)像素。仅当画布的width&height样式属性与canvas的width&height属性匹配时,宽度和高度才等于10px。 = canvas.width +'px'; = canvas.height +'px';

const img = new Image();

const crispCanvas = document.getElementById('crisp-canvas');
const crispContext = crispCanvas.getContext('2d');

const sx = 0, sy = 0, sWidth = 1980, sHeight = 1251;
const dx = 0, dy = 0;
const scaleFactor = 0.4762626262626263;

// Set crisp canvas width & height properties to match the source image
crispCanvas.width = sWidth;
crispCanvas.height = sHeight;

// Scale the source canvas using width & height style properties 
function scaleCanvas(scale, canvas) {

	const dWidth =  (sWidth*scale);
	const dHeight =  (sHeight*scale); = dWidth + 'px'; = dHeight + 'px';

// When image is loaded, scale the crisp canvas and draw the full size image
img.onload = function(){ 
	scaleCanvas(scaleFactor, crispCanvas);
	crispContext.drawImage(img, sx, sy);

img.src = "";
<canvas id="crisp-canvas" ></canvas>


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