R 使用 tmaptools 为 sf 对象中的每一行创建边界框


我正在尝试研究如何从 sf 对象中每一行的 sf 点几何数据创建边界框。我正在尝试使用 tmaptools 包中的 'bb' 函数以及 dplyr 和 rowwise()。但是,我得到的输出只是复制到每一行的相同边界框值,而不是根据每一行的点数据计算出的特定边界框。

这是数据框 sf 对象的片段:

df1<-structure(list(Altitude = c(65.658, 65.606, 65.562, 65.51, 65.479, 
65.408, 65.342, 65.31, 65.242, 65.17, 65.122), Bearing = c(201.3042, 
201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 
201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042), TAI = c(0.7535967, 0.7225685, 
0.7142722, 0.7686105, 0.760403, 0.7515627, 0.7905218, 0.6231222, 
0.7246232, 0.6290409, 0.635797), lat_corrd = c(51.28648265, 51.28647067, 
51.28646118, 51.28645183, 51.28644244, 51.28643067, 51.28642109, 
51.28641164, 51.28639984, 51.2863905, 51.28638087), lon_corrd = c(0.866623929, 
0.866616631, 0.866610968, 0.86660517, 0.866598889, 0.866591258, 
0.866585183, 0.866579259, 0.866571906, 0.86656599, 0.866560288
), geometry = structure(list(structure(c(0.866623929, 51.28648265
), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866616631, 
51.28647067), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866610968, 
51.28646118), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.86660517, 
51.28645183), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866598889, 
51.28644244), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866591258, 
51.28643067), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866585183, 
51.28642109), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866579259, 
51.28641164), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866571906, 
51.28639984), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.86656599, 
51.2863905), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(0.866560288, 
51.28638087), class = c("XY", "POINT", "sfg"))), class = c("sfc_POINT", 
"sfc"), precision = 0, bbox = structure(c(xmin = 0.866560288, 
ymin = 51.28638087, xmax = 0.866623929, ymax = 51.28648265), class = "bbox"), crs = structure(list(
    input = "EPSG:4326", wkt = "GEOGCRS[\"WGS 84\",\n    DATUM[\"World Geodetic System 1984\",\n        ELLIPSOID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,\n            LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],\n    PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,\n        ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n    CS[ellipsoidal,2],\n        AXIS[\"geodetic latitude (Lat)\",north,\n            ORDER[1],\n            ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n        AXIS[\"geodetic longitude (Lon)\",east,\n            ORDER[2],\n            ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n    USAGE[\n        SCOPE[\"Horizontal component of 3D system.\"],\n        AREA[\"World.\"],\n        BBOX[-90,-180,90,180]],\n    ID[\"EPSG\",4326]]"), class = "crs"), n_empty = 0L)), row.names = 5000:5010, class = c("sf", 
"data.frame"), sf_column = "geometry", agr = structure(c(Altitude = NA_integer_, 
Bearing = NA_integer_, TAI = NA_integer_, lat_corrd = NA_integer_, 
lon_corrd = NA_integer_), .Label = c("constant", "aggregate", 
"identity"), class = "factor"))

#Classes ‘sf’ and 'data.frame': 11 obs. of  6 variables:

我想要做的是从“几何”列中的 sfc_point 值创建一个新的边界框,例如:

bb(df1, cx = st_coordinates(df1)[,1], cy = st_coordinates(df1)[,2], width = 0.000012, height = 0.000012, relative = FALSE)
#      xmin       ymin       xmax       ymax 
# 0.8666179 51.2864767  0.8666299 51.2864887


bb(df1[i,], cx = st_coordinates(df1)[i,1], cy = st_coordinates(df1)[i,2], width = 0.000012, height = 0.000012, relative = FALSE) 

我希望为每一行计算得到的 xmin、ymin、xmax、ymax 值作为一个新的几何图形,称为添加到现有数据框中的边界框之类的东西。

我尝试使用“apply”来完成它,但它根本不起作用,而且似乎“apply”传递“geometry”sf 列表类型值的方式对于“bb”不正确。然后我尝试使用 'dplyr' 并且效果更好,但仍然不太正确:

df1 %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(boundary_boxes = list(bb(cx = st_coordinates(.)[,1], cy = st_coordinates(.)[,2], width = 0.000012, height = 0.000012, relative = FALSE)))



一旦我为每行数据创建了一个 bbox,我就需要将边界框转换为空间对象。我已经使用 'bb_poly' 来做到这一点:

bb_poly('some boundary box data', steps = 1)

您通过将向量存储在数据框中使其变得不必要地复杂。最好将此数据存储在tibblewithxycolumns 中。见下文。

我正在使用tribbleand bind_colshere 使其更加明显。


geom = tribble(
  ~x, ~y,
  0.866623929, 51.28648265, 
  0.866616631, 51.28647067,
  0.866610968, 51.28646118, 
  0.86660517, 51.28645183, 
  0.866598889, 51.28644244, 
  0.866591258, 51.28643067, 
  0.866585183, 51.28642109, 
  0.866579259, 51.28641164, 
  0.866571906, 51.28639984, 
  0.86656599, 51.2863905,
  0.866560288, 51.28638087)

df = tibble(
  Altitude = c(65.658, 65.606, 65.562, 65.51, 65.479,65.408, 65.342, 65.31, 65.242, 65.17, 65.122), 
  Bearing = c(201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042,201.3042, 201.3042, 201.3042), 
  TAI = c(0.7535967, 0.7225685, 0.7142722, 0.7686105, 0.760403, 0.7515627, 0.7905218, 0.6231222, 0.7246232, 0.6290409, 0.635797), 
  lat_corrd = c(51.28648265, 51.28647067, 51.28646118, 51.28645183, 51.28644244, 51.28643067, 51.28642109, 51.28641164, 51.28639984, 51.2863905, 51.28638087), 
  lon_corrd = c(0.866623929, 0.866616631, 0.866610968, 0.86660517, 0.866598889, 0.866591258, 0.866585183, 0.866579259, 0.866571906, 0.86656599, 0.866560288), 
) %>% bind_cols(geom) 


# A tibble: 11 x 7
   Altitude Bearing   TAI lat_corrd lon_corrd     x     y
      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     65.7    201. 0.754      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 2     65.6    201. 0.723      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 3     65.6    201. 0.714      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 4     65.5    201. 0.769      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 5     65.5    201. 0.760      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 6     65.4    201. 0.752      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 7     65.3    201. 0.791      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 8     65.3    201. 0.623      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
 9     65.2    201. 0.725      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
10     65.2    201. 0.629      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3
11     65.1    201. 0.636      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3

现在您只需要一个简单的函数bb,它以tibble. 例如,如下所示。

fbb = function(data){
  bbout = bb(cx=data$x, cy=data$y, width= 0.000012, height= 0.000012, relative= FALSE)
    xmin = bbout["xmin"],
    ymin = bbout["ymin"],
    xmax = bbout["xmax"],
    ymax = bbout["ymax"]


df %>% 
  nest(data=x:y) %>% 
  mutate(bbout = map(data, fbb)) %>% 
  unnest(c(data, bbout))


# A tibble: 11 x 11
   Altitude Bearing   TAI lat_corrd lon_corrd     x     y  xmin  ymin  xmax  ymax
      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1     65.7    201. 0.754      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 2     65.6    201. 0.723      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 3     65.6    201. 0.714      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 4     65.5    201. 0.769      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 5     65.5    201. 0.760      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 6     65.4    201. 0.752      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 7     65.3    201. 0.791      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 8     65.3    201. 0.623      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
 9     65.2    201. 0.725      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
10     65.2    201. 0.629      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3
11     65.1    201. 0.636      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3 0.867  51.3


df %>%
  nest(data=x:y) %>%
  mutate(bbout = map(data, fbb)) %>%
  unnest(c(data, bbout)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), alpha=0.2)+
  geom_line(aes(x, y))



fbb_poly = function(data) 
  bb_poly(bb(cx=data$x, cy=data$y, width= 0.000012, 
             height= 0.000012, relative= FALSE), steps = 1)

df %>%
  nest(data=x:y) %>%
  mutate(bbout = map(data, fbb),
         bb_poly = map(data, fbb_poly)) %>%
  unnest(c(data, bb_poly)) 


# A tibble: 11 x 9
   Altitude Bearing   TAI lat_corrd lon_corrd     x     y bbout                                                                                                 bb_poly
      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list>                                                                                 <POLYGON [arc_degree]>
 1     65.7    201. 0.754      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8666179 51.28648, 0.8666179 51.28649, 0.8666299 51.28649, 0.8666299 51.28648, 0.86661...
 2     65.6    201. 0.723      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8666106 51.28646, 0.8666106 51.28648, 0.8666226 51.28648, 0.8666226 51.28646, 0.86661...
 3     65.6    201. 0.714      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.866605 51.28646, 0.866605 51.28647, 0.866617 51.28647, 0.866617 51.28646, 0.866605 51...
 4     65.5    201. 0.769      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665992 51.28645, 0.8665992 51.28646, 0.8666112 51.28646, 0.8666112 51.28645, 0.86659...
 5     65.5    201. 0.760      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665929 51.28644, 0.8665929 51.28645, 0.8666049 51.28645, 0.8666049 51.28644, 0.86659...
 6     65.4    201. 0.752      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665853 51.28642, 0.8665853 51.28644, 0.8665973 51.28644, 0.8665973 51.28642, 0.86658...
 7     65.3    201. 0.791      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665792 51.28642, 0.8665792 51.28643, 0.8665912 51.28643, 0.8665912 51.28642, 0.86657...
 8     65.3    201. 0.623      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665733 51.28641, 0.8665733 51.28642, 0.8665853 51.28642, 0.8665853 51.28641, 0.86657...
 9     65.2    201. 0.725      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665659 51.28639, 0.8665659 51.28641, 0.8665779 51.28641, 0.8665779 51.28639, 0.86656...
10     65.2    201. 0.629      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.86656 51.28638, 0.86656 51.2864, 0.866572 51.2864, 0.866572 51.28638, 0.86656 51.28638))
11     65.1    201. 0.636      51.3     0.867 0.867  51.3 <tibble [1 x 4]> ((0.8665543 51.28637, 0.8665543 51.28639, 0.8665663 51.28639, 0.8665663 51.28637, 0.86655...


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