在 Typescript 中,除了为特定值提供 `as const` 断言之外,还有没有其他方法可以声明文字类型?



function mapKeys<O extends Record<string, unknown>, K extends keyof O, KM extends Record<K, string>>(obj: O, keyMap: KM) {
  const r: Record<KM[keyof KM], O[K]> = {}
  for (const k of Object.keys(obj)) r[keyMap[k]] = obj[k]
  return r

该函数将遇到错误: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'Record<KM[keyof KM], any>'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'Record<KM[keyof KM], any>'.(7053)


const x = mapKeys({a: 1}, {a: 'b'} as const) 
'as const' instructs the compiler it's a literal, 
so here the `x.b` will correctly inferred to be `string`.

但是如何让编译器在声明类型时将对象属性值类型推断为字符串文字而不是字符串?(当源代码是 Javascript 时,不可能对as const使用断言)




function mapKeys<O extends Record<string, unknown>, 
K extends keyof O, 
KM extends Partial/* narrow keyMap */<Record<K, string>>>(obj: O, keyMap: KM) {
  const r: Record<KM[keyof KM], O[K]> = {}
  for (const k of Object.keys(obj)) r[keyMap[k]] = obj[k]
  return r

// here `x.b` will be inferred (as `a`'s type) without using `as const`
const x = mapKeys({a: 1}, {a: 'b'}) 


// credits goes to https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (
  k: infer I
) => void
  ? I
  : never;

 * Get union of all values ov the object
type Values<T> = T[keyof T]

 * Iterate through the Dictionary - in our case KeyMap
type Rename<Obj, Dictionary> =
   * Check if Dictionary is a Map structure
  Dictionary extends Record<string, string>
   * Get all created key/values pair and merge them
   * Hence, we only using newly created key/values pairs.
   * Obj is not returned from this util type
  ? UnionToIntersection<Values<{
    [Prop in keyof Dictionary]: Prop extends keyof Obj
     * Create new key/value pair
    ? Record<Dictionary[Prop], Obj[Prop]>
    : never
  : never

  // { customAge: 42; }
  type Test = Rename<{ age: 42 }, { age: 'customAge' }>

    // unknown - I don't know how you want to handle it
  type Test2 = Rename<{ age: 42 }, { notExists: 'customAge' }>

      // never - because second argument is not a dictionary
  type Test3 = Rename<{ age: 42 }, 42>

function mapKeys<
   * Apply constraint for all keys of Object
  ObjKeys extends PropertyKey,
   * Apply constraint for all values of Object
  ObjValues extends PropertyKey,
   * Infer Object with appropriate Keys and Values
  Obj extends Record<ObjKeys, ObjValues>,
   * Apply constraint for Key of KeyMap
  Keys extends keyof Obj,
   * Aplly constraint for KeyMap keys
  NewKeys extends PropertyKey,
   * Infer KeyMap, Keys should extend Object keys
  KeyMap extends Record<Keys, NewKeys>
>(obj: Obj, keyMap: KeyMap): Rename<Obj, KeyMap>
function mapKeys<
  ObjKeys extends PropertyKey,
  ObjValues extends PropertyKey,
  Obj extends Record<ObjKeys, ObjValues>,
  NewKeys extends PropertyKey,
  KeyMap extends Record<keyof Obj, NewKeys>,
  >(obj: Obj, keyMap: KeyMap) {
  return (Object.keys(obj) as Array<keyof Obj>)
    .reduce((acc, elem) => ({
      [keyMap[elem]]: obj[elem]
    }), {} as Record<PropertyKey, Values<Obj>>)

const result = mapKeys({ age: 1 }, { "age": "newAge" })
result.newAge // 1

游乐场如果是 - 我会提供解释

请记住,r[keyMap[k]]如果你想让它类型安全突变不是最好的选择。TS 不跟踪突变。看我的文章


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