

我在变量 (x,y) 中有一个复杂的多元多项式,我需要通过设置在变量 (a,b) 中获得一个新的多项式

x = (a+b) / sqrt(2)
y = -i (a-b) / sqrt(2)






import sympy

a, b, x, y = sympy.symbols('a b x y')

poly = sympy.poly(x + y)
let = {x: (a + b) / sympy.sqrt(2), y: - sympy.I * (a - b) / sympy.sqrt(2)}
new_poly = poly.subs(let, simultaneous=True)
# at this point, `new_poly` is:
# Poly(sqrt(2)*a/2 - sqrt(2)*I*a/2 + sqrt(2)*b/2 + sqrt(2)*I*b/2,
#      sqrt(2)*(a + b)/2, -sqrt(2)*I*(a - b)/2, domain='EX')
# so the following assertions pass
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(sqrt(2)*(a + b)/2, -sqrt(2)*I*(a - b)/2)', (
assert new_poly.monoms() == [(0, 0)], new_poly.monoms()
# worth remarking that
assert new_poly.free_symbols == {a, b}, new_poly.free_symbols
# by converting from an instance of the class `sympy.polys.polytools.Poly`
# to an instance of the class `sympy.core.expr.Expr`, and
# back to an instance of the class `sympy.polys.polytools.Poly`,
# the generators become as expected
new_poly = new_poly.as_expr().as_poly()
    # the previous statement is equivalent, as far as I know,
    # to the statement:
    # `new_poly = sympy.poly(new_poly.as_expr())`
    # However, the latter raises an exception for some expressions
    # (for an example, see below).
    # The exception is avoided by using the expression method `as_poly`.
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(a, b, sqrt(2))', new_poly.gens
assert new_poly.monoms() == [(1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)], new_poly.monoms()
assert new_poly.free_symbols == {a, b}, new_poly.free_symbols
print('polynomial: {p}'.format(p=new_poly))
print('generators: {g}'.format(g=new_poly.gens))
print('monomials: {m}'.format(m=new_poly.monoms()))
print('coefficients: {c}'.format(c=new_poly.coeffs()))


polynomial: Poly((1/2 - I/2)*a*(sqrt(2)) + (1/2 + I/2)*b*(sqrt(2)), a, b, sqrt(2), domain='QQ_I')
generators: (a, b, sqrt(2))
monomials: [(1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)]
coefficients: [1/2 - I/2, 1/2 + I/2]


import sympy

a, b = sympy.symbols('a b')
expr = (
    (1/2 - sympy.I/2) * a * (sympy.sqrt(2))
    + (1/2 + sympy.I/2) * b *(sympy.sqrt(2)))
new_poly = expr.as_poly()
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(a, b, sqrt(2))', new_poly.gens

事实上,以这种方式获得的多项式是相等的,但表示方式略有不同,特别是用小数而不是分数,即new_poly在这种情况下是Poly((0.5 - I/2)*a*(sqrt(2)) + (0.5 + I/2)*b*(sqrt(2)), a, b, sqrt(2), domain='EX')



import sympy

a, b, x, y = sympy.symbols('a b x y')

poly = x + y
let = {x: (a + b) / sympy.sqrt(2), y: - sympy.I * (a - b) / sympy.sqrt(2)}
new_poly = poly.subs(let, simultaneous=True)
# at this point, `new_poly` is an instance of the
# class `sympy.core.expr.Expr`,
# so it does not have methods `monoms` and `gens`,
# thus a conversion to polynomial is needed.
# This conversion creates the expected generators, monomials,
# and coefficients, as follows.
new_poly = new_poly.as_expr().as_poly()
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(a, b, sqrt(2))', new_poly.gens
assert new_poly.monoms() == [(1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)], new_poly.monoms()
assert new_poly.free_symbols == {a, b}, new_poly.free_symbols
print('polynomial: {p}'.format(p=new_poly))
print('generators: {g}'.format(g=new_poly.gens))
print('monomials: {m}'.format(m=new_poly.monoms()))
print('coefficients: {c}'.format(c=new_poly.coeffs()))


并对感兴趣的多项式重复上述两种方法x**2 + y**2(该多项式已在评论中注明):

import sympy

a, b, x, y = sympy.symbols('a b x y')

poly = sympy.poly(x**2 + y**2)
let = {x: (a + b) / sympy.sqrt(2), y: - sympy.I * (a - b) / sympy.sqrt(2)}
new_poly = poly.subs(let, simultaneous=True)
# at this point, `new_poly` is:
# Poly(2*a*b, sqrt(2)*(a + b)/2, -sqrt(2)*I*(a - b)/2, domain='ZZ[a,b]')
# so the following assertions pass
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(sqrt(2)*(a + b)/2, -sqrt(2)*I*(a - b)/2)', (
assert new_poly.monoms() == [(0, 0)], new_poly.monoms()
# worth remarking that
assert new_poly.free_symbols == {a, b}, new_poly.free_symbols
# by converting from an instance of the class `sympy.polys.polytools.Poly`
# to an instance of the class `sympy.core.expr.Expr`, and
# back to an instance of the class `sympy.polys.polytools.Poly`,
# the generators become as expected
new_poly = new_poly.as_expr().as_poly()
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(a, b)', new_poly.gens
assert new_poly.monoms() == [(1, 1)], new_poly.monoms()
assert new_poly.free_symbols == {a, b}, new_poly.free_symbols
print('polynomial: {p}'.format(p=new_poly))
print('generators: {g}'.format(g=new_poly.gens))
print('monomials: {m}'.format(m=new_poly.monoms()))
print('coefficients: {c}'.format(c=new_poly.coeffs()))


polynomial: Poly(2*a*b, a, b, domain='ZZ')
generators: (a, b)
monomials: [(1, 1)]
coefficients: [2]


import sympy

a, b, x, y = sympy.symbols('a b x y')

poly = x**2 + y**2
let = {x: (a + b) / sympy.sqrt(2), y: - sympy.I * (a - b) / sympy.sqrt(2)}
new_poly = poly.subs(let, simultaneous=True)
# at this point, `new_poly` is an instance of the
# class `sympy.core.expr.Expr`,
# so it does not have methods `monoms` and `gens`,
# thus a conversion to polynomial is needed.
# This conversion creates the expected generators, monomials,
# and coefficients, as follows.
new_poly = new_poly.as_expr().as_poly()
    # if the previous statement is replaced with the statement:
    # `new_poly = sympy.poly(new_poly.as_expr())`
    # then an exception is raised:
    # `CoercionFailed: expected an integer, got 1/2`
assert str(new_poly.gens) == '(a, b)', new_poly.gens
assert new_poly.monoms() == [(1, 1)], new_poly.monoms()
assert new_poly.free_symbols == {a, b}, new_poly.free_symbols
print('polynomial: {p}'.format(p=new_poly))
print('generators: {g}'.format(g=new_poly.gens))
print('monomials: {m}'.format(m=new_poly.monoms()))
print('coefficients: {c}'.format(c=new_poly.coeffs()))






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