

我正在尝试使用Typescript中的typeorm库在TypeScript 2 Express服务器和Angular 2之间创建DTO / DAO模式。


import {autoserialize} from "cerialize";
import {DTOReport} from "./reports.dto";

import { PrimaryGeneratedColumn} from "typeorm/decorator/columns/PrimaryGeneratedColumn"
import { CreateDateColumn } from "typeorm/decorator/columns/CreateDateColumn";
import { Column } from "typeorm/decorator/columns/Column";
import { JoinColumn } from "typeorm/decorator/relations/JoinColumn";
import { OneToOne } from "typeorm/decorator/relations/OneToOne";
import { ManyToOne } from "typeorm/decorator/relations/ManyToOne";
import { OneToMany } from "typeorm/decorator/relations/OneToMany";
import { Table } from "typeorm/decorator/tables/Table";
import { ColumnTypes } from "typeorm/metadata/types/ColumnTypes";

export class DTOSourceFile {
  id: number;

  locationURL: string;

  createdAt: Date;

  @OneToMany(type => DTOReport, report => report.source, {nullable: true})
  @autoserialize report: DTOReport;
  @autoserialize reportId: number;

  originalname: string;

  mutler: string;


"use strict";
const ColumnTypes_1 = require("../../metadata/types/ColumnTypes");
const ColumnTypeUndefinedError_1 = require("../error/ColumnTypeUndefinedError");
const index_1 = require("../../index");  // < --- THIS
const PrimaryColumnCannotBeNullableError_1 = require("../error/PrimaryColumnCannotBeNullableError");
 * Column decorator is used to mark a specific class property as a table column.
 * Only properties decorated with this decorator will be persisted to the database when entity be saved.
 * Primary columns also creates a PRIMARY KEY for this column in a db.
function PrimaryColumn(typeOrOptions, options) {
    let type;
    if (typeof typeOrOptions === "string") {
        type = typeOrOptions;
    else {
        options = typeOrOptions;
    return function (object, propertyName) {
        const reflectedType = ColumnTypes_1.ColumnTypes.typeToString(Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", object, propertyName));
        // if type is not given implicitly then try to guess it
        if (!type)
            type = ColumnTypes_1.ColumnTypes.determineTypeFromFunction(Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", object, propertyName));
        // if column options are not given then create a new empty options
        if (!options)
            options = {};
        // check if there is no type in column options then set type from first function argument, or guessed one
        if (!options.type)
            options = Object.assign({ type: type }, options);
        // if we still don't have a type then we need to give error to user that type is required
        if (!options.type)
            throw new ColumnTypeUndefinedError_1.ColumnTypeUndefinedError(object, propertyName);
        // check if column is not nullable, because we cannot allow a primary key to be nullable
        if (options.nullable)
            throw new PrimaryColumnCannotBeNullableError_1.PrimaryColumnCannotBeNullableError(object, propertyName);
        // implicitly set a primary to column options
        options = Object.assign({ primary: true }, options);
        // create and register a new column metadata
        const args = {
            target: object.constructor,
            propertyName: propertyName,
            propertyType: reflectedType,
            mode: "regular",
            options: options
        index_1.getMetadataArgsStorage().columns.add(args); // < --- THIS
exports.PrimaryColumn = PrimaryColumn;

//# sourceMappingURL=PrimaryColumn.js.map

Angular 2的webpack编译器产生的错误清楚地显示了问题,然后尝试加载节点依赖项。

WARNING in ./~/typeorm/driver/sqlserver/SqlServerDriver.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'mssql' in '/Users/jmurphy/projects/ubq/web/node_modules/typeorm/driver/sqlserver'
 @ ./~/typeorm/driver/sqlserver/SqlServerDriver.js 256:25-41
 @ ./~/typeorm/connection/ConnectionManager.js
 @ ./~/typeorm/index.js
 @ ./~/typeorm/decorator/columns/PrimaryGeneratedColumn.js
 @ ./src/app/dtos/lens.dto.ts
 @ ./src/app/lens/lens.component.ts
 @ ./src/app/app.module.ts
 @ ./src/app/index.ts
 @ ./src/main.ts
 @ multi main
Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html":
         Asset     Size  Chunks       Chunk Names
    index.html  2.88 kB       0
webpack: bundle is now VALID.



TypeORM来源:https : //github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/src/decorator/columns/PrimaryColumn.ts






import * as fs from "fs";
import {Connection} from "./Connection";
import {ConnectionNotFoundError} from "./error/ConnectionNotFoundError";
import {MysqlDriver} from "../driver/mysql/MysqlDriver";
import {ConnectionOptions} from "./ConnectionOptions";
import {DriverOptions} from "../driver/DriverOptions";
import {Driver} from "../driver/Driver";
import {MissingDriverError} from "./error/MissingDriverError";
import {PostgresDriver} from "../driver/postgres/PostgresDriver";
import {AlreadyHasActiveConnectionError} from "./error/AlreadyHasActiveConnectionError";
import {Logger} from "../logger/Logger";
import {SqliteDriver} from "../driver/sqlite/SqliteDriver";
import {OracleDriver} from "../driver/oracle/OracleDriver";
import {SqlServerDriver} from "../driver/sqlserver/SqlServerDriver";
import {OrmUtils} from "../util/OrmUtils";
import {CannotDetermineConnectionOptionsError} from "./error/CannotDetermineConnectionOptionsError";

 * ConnectionManager is used to store and manage all these different connections.
 * It also provides useful factory methods to simplify connection creation.
export class ConnectionManager {
// ...



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