无法将 NodeJS + AngularJS 应用程序推送到 PAS - Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)


我正在尝试推送一个 nodejs/angularjs 应用程序,但遇到错误。

> Instance never healthy after 1m0s: Failed to make TCP connection to
> port 8080: connection refused; process did not exit


  1. 使用 -t 将健康检查的超时时间增加到 600 或更多,但它仍然失败。
  2. 升级资源(RAM 等),这也无济于事。
  3. 等了一夜,问题神奇地消失了......

的输出cf logs apptheone --recent

>    2019-10-24T14:46:29.56+0530 [CELL/0] OUT Downloading droplet...   
> 2019-10-24T14:46:30.64+0530 [CELL/0] OUT Downloaded droplet   
> 2019-10-24T14:46:30.87+0530 [CELL/0] OUT Starting health monitoring of
> container    2019-10-24T14:46:31.93+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT >
> [email protected] start /home/vcap/app    2019-10-24T14:46:31.93+0530
> [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT > node build.js && http-server -a localhost -p
> 8000 -c-1 ./app    2019-10-24T14:46:32.15+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT
> Starting up http-server, serving ./app    2019-10-24T14:46:32.15+0530
> [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Available on:    2019-10-24T14:46:32.15+0530
> [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT   http://localhost:8000   
> 2019-10-24T14:46:32.15+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Hit CTRL-C to stop
> the server    2019-10-24T14:47:31.64+0530 [HEALTH/0] ERR Failed to
> make TCP connection to port 8080: connection refused   
> 2019-10-24T14:47:31.64+0530 [CELL/0] ERR Timed out after 1m0s: health
> check never passed.    2019-10-24T14:47:31.64+0530 [CELL/SSHD/0] OUT
> Exit status 0    2019-10-24T14:47:47.73+0530 [CELL/0] OUT Cell
> 91bc6c2e-8684-46ac-9047-a62e099b0941 stopping instance
> 37f79676-3d09-4e44-4f79-fab8    2019-10-24T14:47:47.73+0530 [CELL/0]
> OUT Cell 91bc6c2e-8684-46ac-9047-a62e099b0941 destroying container for
> instance 37f79676-3d09-4e44-4f79-fab8    2019-10-24T14:47:47.74+0530
> [API/1] OUT Process has crashed with type: "web"   
> 2019-10-24T14:47:47.76+0530 [API/1] OUT App instance exited with guid
> cb94664f-0016-48b3-8467-15d128e4521b payload:
> {"instance"=>"37f79676-3d09-4e44-4f79-fab8", "index"=>0,
> "cell_id"=>"91bc6c2e-8684-46ac-9047-a62e099b0941",
> "reason"=>"CRASHED", "exit_description"=>"Instance never healthy after
> 1m0s: Failed to make TCP connection to port 8080: connection refused;
> process did not exit", "crash_count"=>6,
> "crash_timestamp"=>1571908667728853273,
> "version"=>"25df8154-3283-4807-b0eb-d0f7351ec85d"}   
> 2019-10-24T14:47:47.90+0530 [PROXY/0] OUT Exit status 137   
> 2019-10-24T14:47:48.64+0530 [CELL/0] OUT Cell
> 91bc6c2e-8684-46ac-9047-a62e099b0941 successfully destroyed container
> for instance 37f79676-3d09-4e44-4f79-fab8

的输出cf events apptheone

> 2019-10-24T14:21:47.00+0530   app.crash                  bobthefixerB 
> index: 0, reason: CRASHED, cell_id:
> 91bc6c2e-8684-46ac-9047-a62e099b0941, instance:
> 64e466c1-8b7e-41d5-5a80-7408, exit_description: Instance never healthy
> after 1m0s: Failed to make TCP connection to port 8080: connection
> refused; process did not exit 2019-10-24T14:21:47.00+0530  
> audit.app.process.crash    web                     index: 0, reason:
> CRASHED, cell_id: 91bc6c2e-8684-46ac-9047-a62e099b0941, instance:
> 64e466c1-8b7e-41d5-5a80-7408, exit_description: Instance never healthy
> after 1m0s: Failed to make TCP connection to port 8080: connection
> refused; process did not exit 2019-10-24T14:06:29.00+0530  
> audit.app.process.crash    web                     index: 0, reason:
> CRASHED, cell_id: d5d90154-3642-4ff0-8ed7-00ea8c96bb5d, instance:
> 899dc217-0cfa-418a-7920-3814, exit_description: Instance never healthy
> after 1m0s: Failed to make TCP connection to port 8080: connection
> refused; process did not exit

这是我们的 package.json 的样子:

  "name": "apptheone",
  "private": true,
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "bla bla blaa",
  "license": "MIT",
  "devDependencies": {
    "chai": "^4.1.2",
    "check-dependencies": "^1.1.0",
    "eslint": "^4.19.1",
    "eslint-config-google": "^0.9.1",
    "http-server": "^0.10.0",
    "loadash": "^1.0.0",
    "mocha": "^5.0.5",
    "protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter": "0.0.7"
  "scripts": {
    "update-deps": "npm update",
    "start": "node build.js && http-server -a localhost -p 8000 -c-1 ./app",
    "protractor": " cd ./tests && protractor protractor.conf.js",
    "test": "node node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha node-red/test/**/*.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "auditjs": "^2.4.3",
    "bower": "^1.8.4",
    "dependency-check": "^3.1.0",
    "jslint": "^0.11.0",
    "json-formatter-js": "^2.2.0",
    "npm": "^5.8.0",
    "requirejs": "^2.3.5",
    "shelljs": "^0.8.3"

注意:当我第一次尝试推送应用程序时,我能够通过一个简单cf push apptheone的静态网页成功地做到这一点。但是后来我在玩 PCF UI 并删除了该应用程序及其关联的服务/路由,从那时起我就无法推送同一个应用程序。完全没有更改应用程序代码。


请仔细检查您的应用程序是否正在侦听,而不是localhost. 当仅侦听 时localhost,这可能会导致运行状况检查失败,因为您的应用程序在其运行的容器之外不可用。



如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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