Python - 有没有办法将函数放入函数而不是“TypeError:'int' object is not callable”?




import random

playerPoints = []
minPlayers = 2
players = 0
maxscore = 100
amountOfDice = 2
gameRound = 0
toRoll = ""
die1 = random.randint(1, 6)
die2 = random.randint(1, 6)

def setPlayers():
    while True:
        players = input("How many players are playing?\n")
        if players.isdigit():
            players = int(players)
            if minPlayers <= players:
                for i in range(players):
                return players

def diceroll(player, amountOfDice, die1, die2):
    throw = 0
    print("Player {0}s turn:".format(player + 1))
    for i in range(amountOfDice):
        roll = 0
        while roll != toRoll:
            roll = input("Press enter to roll both dice")
            if roll == toRoll:
                print("Player {0} has thrown {1} and {2}".format(player + 1, i + 1, die1, die2))

def cont():
    cont = input("Would you like to continue or stop? Press [C] to continue or press [S] to stop.")
    if cont == "c":
    elif cont == "s":
        print("You have successfully cashed in " + str(points) + " points. Well done!")
        playerPoints[players] += points

    playerPoints[player] += throw
    print("Player {0}s score is now: {1}".format(player + 1, playerPoints[player]))
    return throw

def checkWin(maxscore):
    for player in range(players):
        if (playerPoints[player] >= maxscore):
            print("Player {0} wins!".format(player + 1))
            return True

    return False

def points():
    while die1 != 1 or die2 != 1 and cont == "c":
        for i in playerPoints:
            global points
            points = 0
        if die1 == 1 and die2 == 1:
            print("That means you store " + str(double1) + " points.")
            points += double1
        elif die1 == die2:
            print("That means you store " + str((die1 + die2)*2) + " points.")
            points += (die1 + die2)*2
        elif die1 != die2:
            print("That means you store " + str(die1 + die2) + " points.")
            points += die1 + die2
        elif die1 == 1 or die2 == 2:
            print("Unlucky! You have rolled " + str(die1) + " and " + str(die2) + ". Since you rolled a 1, your turn has ended. You have lost all stored points so far, and you lose " + str(die1 + die2) + " points.")
            points -= (die1 + die2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    players = setPlayers()
    while True:
        gameRound += 1
        print("Round: {0}".format(gameRound))
        for i in range(players):
            diceroll(i, amountOfDice, die1, die2)
        if (checkWin(maxscore)):

def players(numberOfPlayers):
    numberOfPlayers = 0
    while numberOfPlayers not in (str(i) for i in range (minPlayers,maxPlayers)):
        numberOfPlayers = int(numberOfPlayers)
        for i in range(numberOfPlayers):
            playerPoints["score{}".format(i+1)] = 0
        return numberOfPlayers

请将代码粘贴到 python IDLE 或其他东西中以尝试代码。

所以基本上它从询问有多少玩家开始。我输入 2,因为这是最小值。


它最后询问我是要继续还是停止,当我按 c 继续时,它说 TypeError。

如果我按 s 停止,它会显示 IndexError。



按 c 时的第一个错误是由于相同的变量和函数名称“点”引起的。第二个错误是由于列表用完索引引起的,可以通过将索引减一来修复。


import random

playerPoints = []
minPlayers = 2
players = 0
maxscore = 100
amountOfDice = 2
gameRound = 0
toRoll = ""
die1 = random.randint(1, 6)
die2 = random.randint(1, 6)

def setPlayers():
    while True:
        players = input("How many players are playing?\n")
        if players.isdigit():
            players = int(players)
            if minPlayers <= players:
                for i in range(players):
                return players

def diceroll(player, amountOfDice, die1, die2):
    throw = 0
    print("Player {0}s turn:".format(player + 1))
    for i in range(amountOfDice):
        roll = 0
        while roll != toRoll:
            roll = input("Press enter to roll both dice")
            if roll == toRoll:
                print("Player {0} has thrown {1} and {2}".format(player + 1, i + 1, die1, die2))

def cont():
    cont = input("Would you like to continue or stop? Press [C] to continue or press [S] to stop.")
    if cont == "c":
    elif cont == "s":
        print("You have successfully cashed in " + str(points) + " points. Well done!")
        print (playerPoints, players)
        playerPoints[players - 1] += points

    playerPoints[players - 1] += throw
    print("Player {0}s score is now: {1}".format(player + 1, playerPoints[player]))
    return throw

def checkWin(maxscore):
    for player in range(players):
        if (playerPoints[player] >= maxscore):
            print("Player {0} wins!".format(player + 1))
            return True

    return False

def func_points():
    while die1 != 1 or die2 != 1 and cont == "c":
        for i in playerPoints:
            global points
            points = 0
        if die1 == 1 and die2 == 1:
            print("That means you store " + str(double1) + " points.")
            points += double1
        elif die1 == die2:
            print("That means you store " + str((die1 + die2)*2) + " points.")
            points += (die1 + die2)*2
        elif die1 != die2:
            print("That means you store " + str(die1 + die2) + " points.")
            points += die1 + die2
        elif die1 == 1 or die2 == 2:
            print("Unlucky! You have rolled " + str(die1) + " and " + str(die2) + ". Since you rolled a 1, your turn has ended. You have lost all stored points so far, and you lose " + str(die1 + die2) + " points.")
            points -= (die1 + die2)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    players = setPlayers()
    while True:
        gameRound += 1
        print("Round: {0}".format(gameRound))
        for i in range(players):
            diceroll(i, amountOfDice, die1, die2)
        if (checkWin(maxscore)):

def players(numberOfPlayers):
    numberOfPlayers = 0
    while numberOfPlayers not in (str(i) for i in range (minPlayers,maxPlayers)):
        numberOfPlayers = int(numberOfPlayers)
        for i in range(numberOfPlayers):
            playerPoints["score{}".format(i+1)] = 0
        return numberOfPlayers



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