如何在 android studio 3.3.1 中以调试模式运行应用程序?


在此之前,我会使用 android studio 中的调试图标或按 Shift+F9 在调试模式下运行 android 应用程序。在一些更新后在我的 android studio 中执行此操作会导致安装调试版本(不运行它)。即使没有模拟器或没有设备连接并在线,它也不会提示目标设备选择窗口(选择某些东西或运行新的模拟器)。




  • Android Studio 3.3.1 - 构建于 2019 年 1 月 29 日
  • Gradle 插件:3.3.1
  • distributionUrl设置为https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.10.3-all.zipinside gradle-wrapper.properties

以下是可用的 gradle 任务列表:

All tasks runnable from root project

Android tasks
androidDependencies - Displays the Android dependencies of the project.
signingReport - Displays the signing info for the base and test modules
sourceSets - Prints out all the source sets defined in this project.

Build tasks
assemble - Assemble main outputs for all the variants.
assembleAndroidTest - Assembles all the Test applications.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
buildDependents - Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it.
buildNeeded - Assembles and tests this project and all projects it depends on.
bundle - Assemble bundles for all the variants.
clean - Deletes the build directory.
cleanBuildCache - Deletes the build cache directory.

Build Setup tasks
init - Initializes a new Gradle build.
wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files.

Cleanup tasks
lintFix - Runs lint on all variants and applies any safe suggestions to the source code.

Help tasks
buildEnvironment - Displays all buildscript dependencies declared in root project 'myproject'.
components - Displays the components produced by root project 'myproject'. [incubating]
dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'myproject'.
dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'myproject'.
dependentComponents - Displays the dependent components of components in root project 'myproject'. [incubating]
help - Displays a help message.
model - Displays the configuration model of root project 'myproject'. [incubating]
projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'myproject'.
properties - Displays the properties of root project 'myproject'.
tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'myproject' (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects).

Install tasks
installDebug - Installs the Debug build.
installDebugAndroidTest - Installs the android (on device) tests for the Debug build.
uninstallAll - Uninstall all applications.
uninstallDebug - Uninstalls the Debug build.
uninstallDebugAndroidTest - Uninstalls the android (on device) tests for the Debug build.
uninstallRelease - Uninstalls the Release build.
uninstallReleaseNonObfuscated - Uninstalls the ReleaseNonObfuscated build.

Verification tasks
check - Runs all checks.
connectedAndroidTest - Installs and runs instrumentation tests for all flavors on connected devices.
connectedCheck - Runs all device checks on currently connected devices.
connectedDebugAndroidTest - Installs and runs the tests for debug on connected devices.
deviceAndroidTest - Installs and runs instrumentation tests using all Device Providers.
deviceCheck - Runs all device checks using Device Providers and Test Servers.
lint - Runs lint on all variants.
lintDebug - Runs lint on the Debug build.
lintRelease - Runs lint on the Release build.
lintReleaseNonObfuscated - Runs lint on the ReleaseNonObfuscated build.
lintVitalRelease - Runs lint on just the fatal issues in the release build.
test - Run unit tests for all variants.
testDebugUnitTest - Run unit tests for the debug build.
testReleaseNonObfuscatedUnitTest - Run unit tests for the releaseNonObfuscated build.
testReleaseUnitTest - Run unit tests for the release build.

按 Ctrl + alt + F5 (其中 Shift + F9 启动应用程序是调试模式)

或选择运行 -> 附加到进程

选择应用程序的签名,以启用调试模式,该模式已通过 adb 安装。


如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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