在 Visual Studio 2017 中构建项目时出错


对于我的工作,我想为开源项目“ITK-Snap”实现一个附加组件。使用官方指南,我用 CMake 构建了 ITK、VTK,并安装了它们以及 Qt5.6。然后使用 CMake 构建 ITK-Snap 并尝试使用 Visual Studio 2017 构建项目将导致大约 150 个错误,其中大多数包含在 ITK-Snap 中使用的名为. 我将在屏幕截图中包含所有不同的错误代码 + 消息,但请记住,许多错误会多次发生。ITK-VTK CMake在此处输入图片说明greedy


也许我在 CMake 设置中有一些错误?谢谢你的帮助。


All 3 of those projects have a directory called CMake in their source code. Deciding to make it also the build directory is a poor choice at best. Two good choices would be C:/FWF/ITK/build and C:/FWF/ITK-build. The second choice is even better because it allows searching only the source directory, and excluding the bigger build directory. Same logic holds for VTK and ITK-Snap.

Your errors are coming from ITK-Snap's git sub-module called greedy. The most likely reason is that version of greedy is mismatched to the version of ITK-Snap. Perhaps the author forgot to update the version of greedy in main repository? Try a few different versions of greedy including the latest stable version of everything. If that does not help I suggest to ask on ITK-Snap's mailing list.


如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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