

好的...下面的行将数组 myArr 的内容放在单元格 A1 中

sh.Range("A1").Resize(cnt, 7).Value = myArr


18  5   1   23  15  7   6
23  5   3   10  18  20  15
19  10  25  12  21  15  23
10  14  11  9   7   25  20
24  15  23  20  11  17  2
7   15  3   16  24  22  13
14  4   15  13  6   23  2
20  11  22  24  14  3   6
17  5   13  15  19  6   22
9   13  15  7   24  3   6

在这行之前,我需要一个条件,但不确定如何编写语法。我想将第一个元素 ( lbound) 的所有 7 个值相加并检查总和并对所有元素执行此操作直到 ( ubound)。并且当总数等于 100时才运行上面的行

一旦第一个查询得到解决,我还有第二个查询来仅列出关于有多少元素加起来总共 100,有多少元素总和为 80 等等......通过添加另一个数组从第一个数组中获取信息。计数将在 75 到 125 之间。预期的输出应该是

75 1
76 0
77 2
125 1


Sub foo()
Dim myArr(1 To 10)
Dim cnt As Integer, i As Integer
myArr(1) = "18,5,1,23,15,7,6"
myArr(2) = "23,5,3,10,18,20,15"
myArr(3) = "19,10,25,12,21,15,23"
myArr(4) = "10,14,11,9,7,25,20"
myArr(5) = "24,15,23,20,11,17,2"
myArr(6) = "7,15,3,16,24,22,13"
myArr(7) = "14,4,15,13,6,23,2"
myArr(8) = "20,11,22,24,14,3,6"
myArr(9) = "17,5,13,15,19,6,22"
myArr(10) = "9,13,15,7,24,3,6"
For i = 1 To UBound(myArr)
With Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum = .Sum(.Index(myArr, i, 0))
    'if ....
End With
Range("A1").Resize(cnt, 7).Value = myArr
End Sub

请参阅此处聊天后的第 1 部分和第 2 部分:评论移动到聊天这将您的字符串拆分为其元素,转换为整数和总和。然后它执行检查,看看是否 = 100,如果是,则添加到一个数组中,然后可以将其写出到工作表中。我不禁想到可能有一种比使用这么多数组更有效的方法,但还没有想到。

Sub foo()

Dim myArr(1 To 10)
Dim TotalsArr(1 to 10) 
Dim cnt As Integer, i As Integer

myArr(1) = "18,5,1,23,15,7,6"
myArr(2) = "23,5,3,10,18,20,15"
myArr(3) = "19,10,25,12,21,15,23"
myArr(4) = "10,14,11,9,7,25,20"
myArr(5) = "24,15,23,20,11,17,2"
myArr(6) = "7,15,3,16,24,22,13"
myArr(7) = "14,4,15,13,6,23,2"
myArr(8) = "20,11,22,24,14,3,6"
myArr(9) = "17,5,13,15,19,6,22"
myArr(10) = "9,13,15,7,24,3,6"

Dim tempArr as Variant
Dim Val as Variant
Dim Total as Long
Dim Counter As Long
Dim FinalArr()

第 1 部分:计算项目总数并检查是否 =100,然后添加到结果数组中。

Counter = 0
For i = LBound(myArr) to UBound(myArr)
    Total = 0
    tempArr = Split(myArr(i),",")

    For Each Val in tempArr
        Total = Total + Val
    Next Val
    If Total = 100 Then
        ReDim Preserve FinalArr(Counter)
        FinalArr(Counter) = myArr(i)
        Counter = Counter + 1
    End If

    TotalsArr(i) = Total 'store totals for later use in dictionary
Next i    

For i = LBound(FinalArr) to UBound(FinalArr)
    Debug.Print FinalArr(i)
Next i

第 2 部分:计算每个不同的总数。我们将使用字典来存储每个键的计数(总数),并在再次找到相同的键时覆盖该值(即计数)

Dim totalsDict As Scripting.Dictionary 'Tools > references > add in microsoft scripting runtime
Dim key as Variant

Set totalsDict = New Scripting.Dictionary

'If prepopulating with totals to check for in range 75 to 125 ( otherwise comment out next 3 code lines

For i = 75 to 125
    totalsdict.Add i , 0
Next i

For i = LBound(TotalsArr) to UBound(TotalsArr)
        totalsDict(TotalsArr(i)) = totalsDict(TotalsArr(i)) + 1 'will overwrite adding one to value
Next i

For Each key in totalsdict.Keys
    Debug.print key, "," , totalsDict(key)
Next key

End Sub


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