UnicodeDecodeError:“ascii”编解码器无法解码位置 2370 中的字节 0xaa:序号不在范围内(128)


我正在用 Python 3.5.3 编写一个脚本,它从文件中获取用户名/密码组合并将它们写入另一个文件。该脚本是在装有 Windows 10 的机器上编写的并且可以运行。但是,当我尝试在运行 Yosemite 的 MacBook 上运行脚本时,出现了一个与 ASCII 编码有关的错误。


def buildDatabase():
        print("Building database, this may take some time...")
        passwords = open("10-million-combos.txt", "r") #File with user/pword combos.
        hashWords = open("Hashed Combos.txt", "a") #File where user/SHA-256 encrypted pwords will be stored.
        j = 0
        hashTable = [[ None ] for x in range(60001)] #A hashtable with 30,000 elements, quadratic probing means size must = 2 x the final size + 1
        for line in passwords: 
                toSearch = line 
                i = q = toSearch.find("\t") #The username/pword combos are formatted: username\tpassword\n.
                n = toSearch.find("\n")
                password = line[i:n-1] #i is the start of the password, n is the end of it
                username = toSearch[ :q] + ":" #q is the end of the username
                byteWord = password.encode('UTF-8')
                toWrite = sha.hexdigest() #password is encrypted to UTF-8, run thru SHA-256, and stored in toWrite
                skip = False
                if len(password) == 0: #if le(password) is 0, just skip it
                        skip = True
                if len(password) == 1:
                        doModulo = ord(password[0]) ** 4
                if len(password) == 2:
                        doModulo = ord(password[0]) * ord(password[0]) * ord(password[1]) * ord(password[1])
                if len(password) == 3:
                        doModulo = ord(password[0]) * ord(password[0]) * ord(password[1]) * ord(password[2])
                if len(password) > 3:
                        doModulo = ord(password[0]) * ord(password[1]) * ord(password[2]) * ord(password[3])
                assignment = doModulo % 60001
                #The if block above gives each combo an assignment number for a hash table, indexed by password because they're more unique than usernames
                successful = False
                collision = 0


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/connerboehm/Documents/Conner B/PythonFinalProject.py", line 104, in <module>
  File "/Users/connerboehm/Documents/Conner B/PythonFinalProject.py", line 12, in buildDatabase
    for line in passwords:
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/encodings/ascii.py", line 26, in decode
    return codecs.ascii_decode(input, self.errors)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xaa in position 2370: ordinal not in range(128)

这里发生了什么事?我之前在 Windows 上没有遇到过这个错误,而且我在尝试编码为 UTF-8 时没有发现任何问题。

编辑:记事本在 ANSI 中编码。将编码(仅将数据复制并粘贴到新的 .txt 文件)更改为 UTF-8 解决了该问题。


您的程序没有说明文件中使用了什么编解码器"10-million-combos.txt",因此在这种情况下,Python 试图将其解码为 ASCII。0xaa 不是 ASCII 序号,因此失败。确定您的文件中使用的编解码器并将其传递encodingopen参数


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