

假设我在6维空间中给出了一个点云,可以根据需要将该点云设为任意密度。这些点原来位于低维多面体的表面上(即,点向量(x1,x2,... x6)看起来是共面的)。



from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

model = PCA(n_components=4).fit(initial_points)
proj_points = model.transform(initial_points)
hull = ConvexHull(proj_points, qhull_options = "Qx")



hull1 = ConvexHull(proj_points, qhull_options = "Qx, E0.03")
print len(hull1.vertices)
print hull1.vertices

[ 437 2116 3978 7519 9381]


在此处输入图片说明 但是为了获得更高的精度(当然),我得到了不同的设置:

hull2 = ConvexHull(proj_points, qhull_options = "Qx, E0.003")
print len(hull2.vertices)
print hull2.vertices

[  74   75  436  437  756 1117 2116 2366 2618 2937 3297 3615 3616 3978 3979
 4340 4561 4657 4659 4924 5338 5797 6336 7519 7882 8200 9381 9427 9470]



I would suspect that the first picture has not enough vertices and that the second picture possibly has too many. Though of course I cannot extract rigorous information from these plots. But is there a good way of finding out which precision to use? Or perhaps a completely different approach to this problem (I tried a few already)?

Timothy Shields

In this answer, I will assume you have already used PCA to near-losslessly compress the data to 4-dimensional data, where the reduced data lies in a 4-dimensional polytope with conceptually few faces. I will describe an approach to solve for the faces of this polytope, which will in turn give you the vertices.

Let xi in R4, i = 1, ..., m, be the PCA-reduced data points.

Let F = (a, b) be a face, where a is in R4 with a • a = 1 and b is in R.

We define the face loss function L as follows, where λ+, λ- > 0 are parameters you choose. λ+ should be a very small positive number. λ- should be a very large positive number.

L(F) = sumi+ • max(0, a • xi + b) - λ- • min(0, a • xi + b))

We want to find minimal faces F with respect to the loss function L. The small set of all minimal faces will describe your polytope. You can solve for minimal faces by randomly initializing F and then performing gradient descent using the partial derivatives ∂L / ∂aj, j = 1, 2, 3, 4, and ∂L / ∂b. At each step of gradient descent, constrain a • a to be 1 by normalizing.

∂L / ∂aj = sumi+ • xj • [a • xi + b > 0] - λ- • xj • [a • xi + b < 0]) for j = 1, 2, 3, 4

∂L/∂b= SUM(λ + •[一个•X+ B> 0] - λ - •[一个•X+ B <0])

注意艾弗森括号:如果P为true,则[P] = 1;如果P为false,则[P] = 0。


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