

使用Angular 2创建Meteor应用程序教程中,要求您在“终端”窗口中执行以下命令:

meteor create --example angular2-boilerplate socially

我找不到任何说明meteor create命令各种选项的文档,这些文档可以深入了解--example angular2-boilerplate参数的作用。我找到的最接近的是命令行Meteor文档,但这仅提及一个--package选项,没有更多详细信息。

您能否说明可用的所有选项meteor create以及它们如何工作?



您可以使用meteor help(或更标准的meteor --helpmeteor -h)获取常规命令列表。注意底部的线。

$ meteor help
Usage: meteor [--release <release>] [--help] <command> [args]
       meteor help <command>
       meteor [--version] [--arch]

With no arguments, 'meteor' runs the project in the current
directory in local development mode. You can run it from the root
directory of the project or from any subdirectory.

Use 'meteor create <path>' to create a new Meteor project.

   run                [default] Run this project in local development mode.
   debug              Run the project, but suspend the server process for debugging.
   create             Create a new project.
   show               Show detailed information about a release or package.

See 'meteor help <command>' for details on a command.


$ meteor help create
Usage: meteor create [--release <release>] <path>
       meteor create [--release <release>] --example <example_name> [<path>]
       meteor create --list
       meteor create --package [<package_name>]

Make a subdirectory named <path> if it doesn't exist and create a new Meteor app
there. You can pass an absolute path, relative path, or '.' for the current

With the --package option, creates a Meteor package instead of an app. If you're
in an app, the package will go in the app's top-level 'packages' directory;
otherwise it will be created in the current directory.

The app will use the release of Meteor specified with the --release
option, or the latest available version if the option is not specified. (A
package created in an app, will be created using the application's version of
meteor and a package created outside a meteor app will use the latest release).

You can pass --example to start off with a copy of one of the Meteor
sample applications. Use --list to see the available examples. There are
currently no package examples.

  --package  Create a new meteor package instead of an app.
  --example  Example template to use.
  --list     Show list of available examples.


$ meteor create --list
Available examples:
  clock: https://github.com/meteor/clock      
  leaderboard: https://github.com/meteor/leaderboard
  localmarket: https://github.com/meteor/localmarket
  simple-todos: https://github.com/meteor/simple-todos
  simple-todos-react: https://github.com/meteor/simple-todos-react
  simple-todos-angular: https://github.com/meteor/simple-todos-angular
  todos: https://github.com/meteor/todos      
  todos-react: https://github.com/meteor/todos#react
  angular2-boilerplate: https://github.com/bsliran/angular2-meteor-base

To create an example, simply git clone the relevant repository and branch (run
'meteor create --example <name>'  to see the full command).

(这是Meteor v1.4.2的输出)


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