
延斯·克维斯特(Jens Kvist)








jQuery(document).ready(function() {
     jQuery(window).load(function() {
         var location = jQuery('._s6yvg');
         jQuery(location).each(function() {
             var image = jQuery(this).parent().find('div > div > div > div > img').attr('src');
             jQuery('<a class="get-button" href="' + image + '">Get</a>').appendTo(this);

If you need more information about the extension just let me know, I think I got the most important written. I am sorry for the bad language. I'm not a native speaker.

Thanks in advance.

Wes Foster

Since there isn't an event for you to try and tie into, you need to create your own "event." In this case, it would be for when images loaded.

Take into consideration what happens when a new set of images are loaded on the page. One thing that happens is the document's height will change. When new content is dynamically loaded, the height of the document will increase. Still with me?

Knowing this, we can create a function that checks the height of the document every interval. I'm not going to write the full script for you, but this below is an example of what you can do.

// Your "append" method
function appendButton()
  var location = jQuery('._s6yvg');
  jQuery(location).each(function() {
    var image = jQuery(this).parent().find('div > div > div > div > img').attr('src');
    jQuery('<a class="get-button" href="' + image + '">Get</a>').appendTo(this);

// This will monitor the document's height.
// When new images are loaded (thus making the document height increase),
// we will call the `appendButton` method again.
function monitorDocumentHeight()
  // Get the current $(document).height()

  // Compare the current height to the most recent height variable

  // If there is a difference in current_height and last_height:
    // > then the height has changed and we should
    // > call the `appendButton` method and store this height value.

  // Set an interval to run this method again and check the height (200ms)

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  appendButton();             // The initial call
  monitorDocumentHeight();    // Start the interval



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