





/* Function for recording a daily check in
 * Calculates the number of days missed and updates the string used to display the check-in pattern.
 * If no days missed then we increment the current count
 * Input:
 * "promiseId" : objectID,
 * "timeZoneDifference" : String +07:00
 * Output:
 * JSON String  eg. {"count":6,"string":"000000000000001111101010111111"}
Parse.Cloud.define("dailyCheckIn", function(request, response) {
    var promiseId = request.params.promiseId;
    var timeZoneDifference = request.params.timeZoneDifference;    
    var currentUser = Parse.User.current();

    if (currentUser === undefined) {
        response.error("You must be logged in.");

    if (timeZoneDifference === undefined || timeZoneDifference === "") {
        //console.log("timeZoneDifference missing. Set to -07:00");
        timeZoneDifference = '' + '-07:00'; // PacificTime as string

    var moment = require('cloud/libs/moment.js');

    // Query for the Promise
    var Promise = Parse.Object.extend("Promise");
    var queryforPromise = new Parse.Query(Promise);

    queryforPromise.get(promiseId, {
        success: function(promis) {

            // Initialize
            var dinarowString = "";
            var dinarowCount = 0;

            // Last Check In date from database (UTC)
            var lastCheckInUTC = promis.get("lastCheckIn");
            if (lastCheckInUTC === undefined) {
                lastCheckInUTC = new Date(2015, 1, 1);

            // Use moment() to convert lastCheckInUTC to local timezone
            var lastCheckInLocalized = moment(lastCheckInUTC.toString()).utcOffset(timeZoneDifference);
                //console.log('lastCheckIn: ' + lastCheckInUTC.toString());
                //console.log('lastCheckInLocalized: ' + lastCheckInLocalized.format());

            // Use moment() to get "now" in UTC timezone
            var today = moment().utc(); // new Date(); 
                //console.log('today: ' + today.format());

            // Use moment() to get "now" in local timezone
            var todayLocalized = today.utcOffset(timeZoneDifference);
                //console.log('todayLocalized: ' + todayLocalized.format());

            // 30 days in the past
            var thirtydaysago = moment().utc().subtract(30, 'days');
                //console.log("thirtydaysago = " + thirtydaysago.format());

            // 30 days in the past in local timezone
            var thirtydaysagoLocalized = thirtydaysago.utcOffset(timeZoneDifference);
                //console.log('thirtydaysagoLocalized: ' + thirtydaysagoLocalized.format());

            // Calculate the number of days since last time user checked in
            var dayssincelastcheckin = todayLocalized.diff(lastCheckInLocalized, 'days');
                //console.log("Last check-in was " + dayssincelastcheckin + " days ago");

            // Function takes an array of Parse.Objects of type Checkin
            // itterate over the array to get a an array of days in the past as numnber
            // generate a string of 1 and 0 for the past 30 days where 1 is a day user checked in
            function dinarowStringFromCheckins(checkins) {
                var days_array = [];
                var dinarowstring = "";

                // Create an array entry for every day that we checked in (daysago)
                for (var i = 0; i < checkins.length; i++) {
                    var checkinDaylocalized = moment(checkins[i].get("checkInDate")).utcOffset(timeZoneDifference);
                    var daysago = todayLocalized.diff(checkinDaylocalized, 'days');
                    // console.log("daysago = " + daysago);
                console.log("days_array = " + days_array);

                // Build the string with 30 day of hits "1" and misses "0" with today on the right
                for (var c = 29; c >= 0; c--) {
                    if (days_array.indexOf(c) != -1) {
                        //console.log("days ago (c) = " + c + "-> match found");
                        dinarowstring += "1";
                    } else {
                        dinarowstring += "0";
                return dinarowstring;

            // Define ACL for new Checkin object
            var checkinACL = new Parse.ACL();
            checkinACL.setReadAccess(currentUser, true);
            checkinACL.setWriteAccess(currentUser, true);

            // Create a new entry in the Checkin table
            var Checkin = Parse.Object.extend("Checkin");
            var checkin = new Checkin();
            checkin.set("User", currentUser);
            checkin.set("refPromise", promis);
            checkin.set("checkInDate", today.toDate());
            checkin.save().then(function() {
                // Query Checkins
                var Checkin = Parse.Object.extend("Checkin");
                var queryforCheckin = new Parse.Query(Checkin);
                queryforCheckin.equalTo("refPromise", promis);
                queryforCheckin.greaterThanOrEqualTo("checkInDate", thirtydaysago.toDate());
                queryforCheckin.find().then(function(results) {
                    var dinarowString = "000000000000000000000000000000";
                    var dinarowCount = 0;
                    if (results.length > 0) {
                        dinarowString = dinarowStringFromCheckins(results);
                        dinarowIndex = dinarowString.lastIndexOf("0");
                        if (dinarowIndex === -1) { // Checked in every day in the month!
                            // TODO
                            // If the user has checked in every day this month then we need to calculate the 
                            // correct streak count in a different way 
                            dinarowString = "111111111111111111111111111111";
                            dinarowCount = 999;
                        } else {
                            dinarowCount = 29 - dinarowIndex;
                    // Update the promise with new value and save
                    promis.set("dinarowString", dinarowString);
                    promis.set("dinarowCount", dinarowCount);
                    promis.set("lastCheckIn", today.toDate());
                    promis.save().then(function() {
                            count: dinarowCount,
                            string: dinarowString
                }, function(reason) {
                    console.log("Checkin query unsuccessful:" + reason.code + " " + reason.message);
                    response.error("Something went wrong");

            }); // save.then
        error: function(object, error) {
            console.error("dailyCheckIn failed: " + error);
            response.error("Unable to check-in. Try again later.");





            //Find start time of today's day
            var todayLocalizedStart = todayLocalized.startOf('day');

            for (var i = 0; i < checkins.length; i++) {
                var checkinDaylocalized = moment(checkins[i].get("checkInDate")).utcOffset(timeZoneDifference);

                //Find start time of checkIn day
                var checkinDaylocalizedStart = checkinDaylocalized.startOf('day');

                //Find number of days
                var daysago = todayLocalizedStart.diff(checkinDaylocalizedStart, 'days');
                // console.log("daysago = " + daysago);




我确实做了另一个更改-但这不是一个错误。我将查询限制从过去的30天替换为简单的“ 30”。只需较少的计算就可以简单一点。


如有侵权,请联系 [email protected] 删除。



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